University of Virginia Library



Camp Near Yorktown
Aprel 29th

Dear Cousin

I receaved your letter of the
sixth sence I have bin at this place an
wer glad to here from you all, I would
have ritten to you be fore now but we
have bin posted on the out post an I have
ent had the chance this leaves mi self &
Jimey well an much hopeen these few lines
ma find you in joying the same blesing.
We have a good eal of sickness here, at least
a good em meny that are un able for service
We have had a very hard time sence we left
Orange C H, we havent got any tents, nor I
dont reaken we will have any whyle we sta
here, we have to sta in entrenchments every
other day an night, the entrench ments
we sta in are in a quarter of a mile of the
yankees, they are constant shoot ing at
us an throw en bums over us, we have ent
got but one of our men wounded sence we
have bin here, but some are get en woun
ded every day an sum cild.

We erlected our orfecers to day for the
next too yers, we erlected Badgett
Capten[1], Price first Lieutenant, Sam
w swanson seccont[2], & John Herndon third[3]


I will come to a c close as I havent much news
to write, you must excuse this bad ley rit
letter an write soon, give mi best respects
to all the fam aly, write soon an direct your
letter to york town Va,

noth en more at
present but remain
yoryour yorrfrend
John Booker
Miss Unity Blair

William H. Badgett, who enlisted in Company D in Whitmell, was appointed Second Lieutenant on June 3, 1861. He was promoted to Captain on May 1, 1862. He later resigned due to lung and kidney disease in July of that year (Gregory, 79).


Samuel A. Swanson, who enlisted in Company D in Whitmell, was elected Second Lieutenant on May 1, 1862. He was killed in action on Chickahominy River on May 31, 1862 (Gregory, 126).


The information that John Booker provides about John Herndon's election conflicts with the records that Gregory cites: John Herndon was a Lieutenant upon enlisting in Company D in 1861, and was appointed Second Lieutenant on April 16, 1862. He was eventually promoted to Captain on July 17, 1862 after Captain Badgett resigned (Gregory, 102).