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1863 [February]


1863 [February]


A. Chaunt


As they sat beneath the shade
Thomas thus to Sylvia said
Now's the time when none can see
Won't you let me— "What?" Said she
Weave a garland for your hair
Of roses red and lilies fair
Now, my Dear, come, greatful be
Let me put my— "What?" Said she
In your bosom a sweet rose
Thus to her he sighed his vows;
The amorous youth becoming hot
Immediately unbuttoned— "What?"
His waistcoat to admit the air:


For well he strove to please his fair
The grateful girl refused him not
And presently he put his—"What?"
Hat aside, and on his lute
He played her many a swelling note
Then Sylvia said, unhappy lot
For on this spot I lost my—"What?"


Made in the commanding officers
you are aware and probably no more
of it than I do but their has been
appointment made in the reg! and
commissions given that are not so well
approved by the men as they should
be but they have to put up with them
right or rong Mash is Col. now of
this Regt I had a letter from Sam
Hoover since you rote to me he told
me how things are prospering their and
I answered his and made it a long
one I expect to here from him
soon I have not answered David
Eberly yet but shall do so soon
tell me how he gets along with the girls
and I shall bore him pretty well
if I can I wish some of the boys could
come around here and spend a few
days I tell you they would learn a
heap and have a gay time the paymaster


was here and paid off a couple
regt. in our Brigade and I tell
you they have had a gay time since
lots of money and whiskey so they
never mind the weather while the
goose hangs high. Well Henry I
shall soon stop as my paper
is most full and my ink dont
please me it is made out of
the vinegar and powder about a
half hour ago dont it look as if
it was a substitute for something
better but whe are in a strait and
whe do the best whe can and hope
I wont fall in love with any of
the ladys while I have so little room
to spread myself and no better place
to pen the desire of my heart but
I can console my self for the future I am
hoping you will make best use of your [illeg.]

as ever
Thad Donely


Based on the contents of this letter, we have determined that it was probably written in February of 1863. Donely mentions that Levi Maish had just been promoted to colonel of the regiment; military records show that Maish was made Colonel of the 130th Regiment of the Pennsylvania Volunteers on February 3, 1863 (see Samuel Bates, History of the Pennsylvania Volunteers, Vol. IV, p. 207).