University of Virginia Library

Letter from Charles N. Tenney to Adelaide E. Case, November 7, 1862


My darling Addie;

Quite a long time has elapsed since
I last wrote you, and I fear you will think I am
trespassing too far on your goodness and forbearance. But
when I explain this unwanted silence, I think you will
forgive me — at least in part. Two precious letters
have been recieved from you, each of which deserves an
"answer" complete in itself, byut at this time it is im-
possible for one to write a very long or interesting letter.

You percieve by the "heading" that I am in the
Provost Marshal's office at this place, where I have been
since Sunday, — in the pleasant situation of Pro. Mar. Clerk.

The Regt — in fact the Brigade was aroused
from our pleasant camp in Loudon Valley on Thursday
morning to "move with Camp and Garrison equipage, at
6 A.M." and at that time we were in line and even
marching toward Harper's Ferry, through which we passed
to Bolivar Heights, where we halted for further orders.

The result was — we had to go out on Picket duty
leaving a few men to pitch our camp at Bolivar Heights.


We were not relived until late Friday night and then
was obliged to walk 4½ miles to attain a point only ¾ mile
away. This was to gratify a "stylish Colonel." Saturday and
Sunday I was quite unwell, but Sunday P.M. I was detailed
for this duty, and in view of the coming cold weather and
cheerless camps, I thought I would come. The work — though
steady — is not very heavy and with our present Provost Marshal
— Capt. Church Howe, of Gen Sedgwick's Staff — I could wish
for nothing save a good long Leave of Absence to visit my
own — my darling Addie.

But it is useless for one to wish for that even,
for "Furloughs" are a fruit not growing very plentifully in these
parts, and most difficult to obtain, still, if the thing is possible,
I shall come home this Winter. By the way, old Boreas has
made his appearance with us, and left — no, not left, for he hasn't
gone — but is making his footsteps plainly visible. It has snowed
continually all day, and the surrounding hills are quite
enshrouded in a snowy mantle — (There — think of being
enshrouded in a mantle; ain't I poetic?)

Of course, you have heard of the "Advance", and
of course are anxious to learn if the Seventh is "with the
army". For a wonder, we — our entire Corps — are in the
rear, actually remaining to garrison this famous "City of Burnt
Shops", and the surrounding Heights!!!


From all I can learn, we will doubtlessly remain here this
coming Winter, and nothing could be more acceptable to us
as a regiment.

Now I will briefly reply to a
portion of your letters — but do not think, my darling Addie that
I wish to neglect them, nothing is farther from my thoughts — I will
write a good long letter soon, and devote "lots" of time and care to it
The office is crowded now, and it is quite late in the evening.

Your letter of the 24th Oct, surprised me not a little. It was
in relation to Laura and her late painful and unfortunate
affair with Hi. Grant. I had known Grant previously to my
enlistment,while in Mecca and had never dreamed that he could be guilty of
such deep=dyed villainy as striving to win the affection of a pure, noble=
minded lady, while engaged to another. He is not worth the name
of "Man" — does not deserve the friendship even of a dog. It is
difficult to imagine a person so low, so vile, as to trifle with the
holiest thoughts and passions, and so heartlessly destroy the highborn
impulses of the soul — aye break the heart itself. God will
mete out justice to such men, — He has written " vengeance is mine [OMITTED]
I will repay
." To Laurie in her new estate — as Mrs.
Thompson — I wish pure and unbroken happiness — a future un=
dimmed by clouds of adversity, and a long and happy life

Could I wish more? May the good giver of all good pre-
serve her and thee — my own loved Adelaide .


I am almost sorry that Hal did not succeed in filling
up the 84th to the required standard, but perhaps it is all for
the best — I know you will say so, as it precludes his return to
the field. Had he been successful, I should have endeavered
to be transferred into his Regt, as it is, I will, quietly of course,
remain in the "Bloody Seventh."

But I must close this very uninteresting letter, as
Lieut Howe has come in, and I must report the "prisoners"

Remember me to all — particularly to Papa. Hallie and
Laurie but most particularly remember me to your own darling
self and write as soon as convenient.
From Your own devoted and true
Charley Tenney.
Address— Chas. N. Tenney
Care of Capt Howe — Prov. Marshal
Harper's Ferry
Omit the Co. & Regt.