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Letter from Charles N. Tenney to Adelaide E. Case, December 18, 1861

Letter from Charles N. Tenney to Adelaide E. Case, December 18, 1861


My dearest Addie:-

It has been a long
time since I received a letter
from you, so long that I can
not wait till I receive one
from before I write again. I am
quite lonely today, so you will
pardon me for thus again itruding
myself upon your notice.

Here we are in a veritable
Secesh town in which before
our brave boys came here, there


was not a union man.
There has been two battles here in
which the Federal troops were
victorious. We left Green Spring
Run yesterday at 11.30, and arrived
here last evening at 6.30. a distance
of 16 1/2 miles.

There is some prospect of a
fight here in a few days, and it is
reported that there are 20.000 Rebels
some 17 miles from here. and advan-
cing toward us. They will undoubt
edly find us ready to give them a
warm reception.

Romney is quite a town, it
contained probably one thousand
inhabitants, the greater portion of
them fled on the capture of the
town. There are now the 4th 5th
7th & 8th Ohio Regts. the 1st 2nd
and 7th Virginia. The Kelley Lancers
one company each of the Ringgold


and Washington (Pa.) Calvary.
and three batteries of Rifled ord-
nance. Gen. Rosecrans is expected
here every day to take command
in place of Gen. Kelley. sick.

I send you with this a couple
of Harper's Weekly, and a rough
pencil sketch of the Bluffs opposite
Green Spring. I will send you
a sketch or two illustrating Romney
in a few days.

Hal kindly let me
read a letter from you, in which
you said you said you had not
received a letter from me for some
time. well I guess you wrote that
before we left Charleston Va For
this makes four times that I have
written. So you are not going
to Oberlin this fall or rather winter,
Well, perhaps Hal & I can get a
Furlough before you go. and come
and visit you


Is your lodge of Good Templan
still in existence? & do you have
as fine times as you used to?
If I ever can, you may rest assured
I shall join them. then perhaps
we shall be brother & sister in the
same lodge.

But I must close now & try
and get a little sleep as I slept
none last night.
Give my respects to all.
and believe me I remain
Your true friend and

To my own dear
Addie L. C.
Mecca. O.