University of Virginia Library



A search for “Oildom” in several web sites listing historical Ohio place names revealed no Ohio town or township by this name. However, it's possible that Addie uses the term to refer to a area of petroleum exploration in or around Trumbull County. An 1897 history of Ohio counties, which has been transcribed (or scanned?) and posted on a genealogical web site, refers to an area in Wood County, Ohio, where oil exploration was pursued during the mid-19th century. In the following quote, the term “oildom” is used to refer to this area: “The early ventures of oildom south of the village, though earnest, did not succeed in finding petroleum 'in paying quantities, though latterday explorations in Troy and Lake leave little room for doubting the existence of a pool in the old territory.” [SOURCE: COMMEMRATIVE (SIC) HISTORICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD OF WOOD COUNTY, OHIO; ITS PAST AND PRESENT. CHICAGO: J. H. BEERS & CO., 1897, Chapter XLIV, p. 405, accessed 8 January 2004 at]