University of Virginia Library


Log Cabin to White
House Series

A famous series of books, formerly sold at $2.00 per copy, are now popluarized by reducing the price less than half. The lives of these famous Americans are worthy of a place in any library. A new book by Edward S. Ellis -"From Ranch to White House" -this is a life of Theodore Roosevelt, while the author of the others, William M. Thayer, is a celebrated biographer.

From Ranch to White House; Life of Theodore Roosevelt.
From Boyhood to Manhood; Life of Benjamin Franklin.
From Farm House to White House; Life of George Washington.
From Log Cabin to White House; Life of James A. Garfield.
From Pioneer Home to White House; Life of Abraham Lincoln.
From Tannery to White House; Life of Ulysses S. Grant.
Success and its Achievers.
Tact, Push and Principle.

These titles, though by different authors, also belong to this series of books:

From Cottage to Castle; the Story of Gutenberg, Inventor of Printing. By By Mrs. E. C. Pearson.
Capital for Working Boys. By Mrs. Julia E. M. M'Conaughy.

Price, postpaid, for any of the above ten books, 75c.

A complete catalogue sent for the asking.

HURST & CO., Publishers, NEW YORK