University of Virginia Library


Three hundred dollars Reward.


Large ink spot on upper left center of document.

Brokeout of jail in Leesburg, on Monday morning, the 10th of June, three Negro men, named
BOB, CHARLES, and ALFRED. Bob and Charles are owned by the subscriber, W. K. ISH,
and Alfred owned by the subscriber, JOSEPH L. HAWLING. Bob is a bright mulatto, about 18 years old,
well made, and about 5 feet 6 inches high—no particular mark recollected, except of a ring-worm on one
cheek, which at times is more strongly marked than at others.

CHARLES is about 6 feet high, with large full eyes, has rather a bashful countenance, and is quite
slow in speech—no particular mark recollected; color rather a light brown; age about thirty.

ALFRED is a very stout well-set man, about 26 years of age, and very black, and 5 feet 7 or 8 inches
high—his lips are unusually thick—speaks fast and his manner, with persons not well acquainted with
him, would be deemed saucy; clothing not recollected.

We will give the above reward for all three, if taken out of Virginia, or $100 for either of them; or
if taken within Virginia, $50 for either—$100 for two, or $150 for all three; if lodged in jail, so that we [may]
get them again. Direct to either of the subscribers, at Middleburg Post Office, Loudoun County, Va.

Leesburg, June 10, 1839