University of Virginia Library

Differing duties

"She that is married careth . . . how she may please her husband," says the Bible; and this is the pleasantest


thing to do. Matrimony should never be entered into without a full recognition of its enduring obligations on both sides. There should be the most tender solicitude for each other's happiness, and mu- tual attention and approbation should wait on all the years of married life.

Mutual compromises will often maintain a compact which might otherwise become unbearable. Man should not be required to participate in all the annoyances and cares of domestic economy, nor should woman be ex- pected to understand political economy. Fulfilling the different demands of their united spheres, their sympa- thies should blend in sweet confidence and cheer, each partner sustaining the other, - thus hallowing the union of interests and affections, in which the heart finds peace and home.