University of Virginia Library

Elbridge S. Brooks's Books for Boys and Girls

"Nothing deserves better of young American readers than Elbridge S. Brooks's books. . . . It is no wonder that Mr. Brooks's books are being put into so many schools, and if many such, books are included in school courses in the near future it is to be expected that truancy will be at a discount."—The Interior, Chicago.

The American Soldier. New and revised edition. Cloth, 4to, illustrated, $1.50.
A stirring and graphic record of the American fighting man,—from Bunker Hill to Santiago.

The American Sailor. New and revised edition. Cloth, 4to, illustrated, $1.50.
The only comprehensive story of the American blue-jacket, from Paul Jones to Dewey.

The American Indian. Profusely illustrated, cloth, 4to, $1.50.
The first and only complete and consecutive story of the redmen of America.

The Boy Life of Napoleon, afterwards Emperor of the French. Adapted for American children from the French of Madame Eugénie Foa. Square 8vo, illustrated, $1.25.
An absorbing and attractive volume, and the only story life of the boy Napoleon extant. It includes all the latest information touching upon the childhood of the most remarkable man and military leader of the nineteenth century.

In Blue and White: A Story of the American Revolution. 8vo, illustrated, $1.50.
This stirring story of the Revolution details the adventures of one of Washington's famous life-guards, who is a college mate of Alexander Hamilton, and fights in the Guard from Trenton to Yorktown.

In No Man's Land: A Wonder Story. Cloth, 12mo, illustrated, $1.00.

"Sparkles all over with glee. . . . There is not a dull line in it."—The Dial.

In Leisler's Times: A Story of Knickerbocker New York, told for boys and girls. Cloth, 12mo, illustrated by W. T. Smedley, $1.50.

"A good boy's book; manly, patriotic, and readable."—The Independent.

The Story of New York. Cloth, 8vo, illustrated, $1.50.
This initial volume of the "Story of the States Series," of which Mr. Brooks is editor.

"More like a charming fireside legend, told by a grandfather to eager children, than the dry and pompous chronicles commonly labelled history."—Critic, New York.

The Story of our War with Spain. Told for young Americans. One vol., 8vo, profusely illustrated, $1.50.
An authentic, complete, and reliable account of the war for Cuban liberation in 1898.

"Written in Mr. Brooks's most graphic style in simple, straightforward, stirring chronicle, without deviation for discussion or undue detail."—The Interior.

Storied Holidays. Cloth, 12mo, illustrated by Howard Pyle, $1.50.
A unique collection of historical stories about the world's holidays.

"A book for buying and keeping that the children as they grow up, and the parents, too, may dip into and read."—Sunday School Times.

At all bookstores, or sent postpaid on receipt of price.