University of Virginia Library


Lawrence claims Dorothy Canfield Fisher, a writer of both fiction and text-books and many short stories. She is the author of "Corneille And Racine In England,'' "English Rhetoric And Composition,'' "What Shall We Do Now,'' "Gunhild,'' "The Squirrel Cage'' and "The Montessori Mother.'' Louise C. Don Carlos has written "A Battle In The Smoke,'' one of the best Kansas works on fiction. She did special work on the Nashville Tennessee Banner and writes a great deal of magazine verse. Mrs. Anna W. Arnett, a Lawrence teacher, writes verse and songs. In addition, she has issued a primer, the Kansas text-book and a primary reading chart for which she has a United States patent. Margaret Lynn, one of the faculty of Kansas University, is a writer of short stories and "A Step-Daughter Of The Prairies.''