University of Virginia Library


At Philadelphia on the 22d of February 1810 of a consumption
Mr. Charles Brockton Brown Editor of the American Register.

The private sorrow of a beloved wife and children, whom death
has prematurely deprived of every thing that conjugal and parental fond-
ness is capable of bestowing, is the ordinary subject of that sympathy which melts
the heart at the sight of the Widow's tears and the Orphan's woe: and seldom does
melancholy subject occur with a more touching appeal to this sentiment, than in
the present instance. But the death of this estimable man must awaken in every
bosom something more than sympathy. Personal Friendship, to which the gen
tle virtues of his heart, the elevated sentiments of his soul, and the amiable simpli-
city of his manners were so well known —