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EPILOGUE To the Dutchess at Saint James's.

EPILOGUE To the Dutchess at Saint James's.

Pompey at length, like Ships by Tempests Tost,
Though blown a while upon some other Coast,
Has overcome the Malice of the Wind,
And reach'd the Haven which he first design'd,
This Royal Audience, and such Virtue brought,
As Madam only in your Court is taught.
Cornelia does not tear her tender Cheeks,
Nor your more gentle Ears with borrow'd Shrieks:
But does lament with Passion, such as you
(Which Heaven avert) in the like Case would do.
Fair Cleopatra does no Favour show,
But what severest Virtue might allow:
And mighty Cæsar does her Slave become,
With as much Honour as he Conquer'd Rome,
When first unsheathing his Victorious Sword,
He seem'd the pattern of your Valiant Lord,
Whose matchless Conduct might our Lions lead,
As far as e're the Roman Eagle spread.
And, Royal Pair, though much he apprehends
Your Doom, yet more he on your Grace depends;
He knows your Gen'rous temper cannot frown
On minds so Great, so High, so like your own;
He knows your Nature is inclin'd to spare,
And no Photinus can infect your Ear.