University of Virginia Library

Scene the Third.

Enter Don Rodorick, carried by two Servants.
1 Serv.
It was the only way that could be thought on,
To get down by the Ladder to the Boat.

You may thank me for that Invention.

What a Noise is herd! when the least Breath's
As Dang'rous as a Tempest.

If any of those Rogues should hear him talk,
In what a case were we?

O Patience, patience!
This Ass brays out for Silence.


Enter at the other end, Manuel, leading Julia; Gonsalvo, Hippolito, Amideo.
Hark! what Noise is that? go softly.

They meet on the middle of the Stage.
Who's here! I am betray'd; and nothing grieves me
But I want strength to Dye with honour.

Is it thy Voice my Love? Speak and resolve me
Whither thou Liv'st, or I am Dead with thee?

Kill him, and force our way.

Is Manuel there?
Hold up my Arm that I may make one thrust
At him before I Dye.

Since we must fall,
Wee'l Sell our Lives as dearly as we can.

1. Serv.
And wee'l defend our Master to the last.

Enter Pyrats, without their Captain.
1 Pyr.
What's the meaning of this Uproar? Quarrelling
Amongst your selves at Midnight?

2 Pyr.
We are come in a fit time to decide the difference.

Hold Gentlemen, wee'r equally concern'd,
To Rodorick's Servants.
We for our own, you for your Masters safety;
If we joyn Forces we may then resist 'um,
If not, both Sides are ruin'd.

1 Serv.
We agree;

Come o'r on our Side then.

[They joyn.
1 Pyr.
A Mischief on our Captain's Drowsiness;
Wee'r lost for want of him.

[They Fight.
Dear Madam, get behind, while you are safe
[To Julia.
We cannot be o'rcome.

[They drive off the Pyrats, and follow them off.
Rodorick remains on the Ground.
I had much rather my own Life were lost
Than Manuel's were preserv'd.—

Enter the Pyrat's retreating before Gonsalvo, &c.
1 Pyr.
All's lost; they Fight like Devils, and our Captain
Yet Sleeping in his Bed.

Here lies Don Rod'rick;
If we must Dye, wee'l not leave him behind.

[Goes to Kill him.


O spare my Rod'rick's Life, and in exchange
Take mine; I put my Self within your Pow'r,
To Save or Kill.

1 Pyr.
So, here's another Pawn
For all our Safeties.

Heav'n! What has she done?

Let go the Lady, or expect no mercy:
The least drop of her Blood is worth all yours
And mine together.

1 Pyr.
I am glad you think so:
Either deliver up your Sword, or mine
Shall pierce her Heart this moment.

Here, here, take it.

You are not Mad to give away all hopes
Manuel holds him.
Of safety and defence, from us, from her,
And from your Self at once!

When she is Dead
What is there worth Defending?

Will you trust
A Pyrat's promise sooner than your Valour?

Any thing, rather than see her in Danger.

1 Pyr.
Nay, if you dispute the matter!

[Holds his Sword to her Breast.
I yield, I yield; Reason to Love must bow:
Love, that gives Courage, can make Cowards too.

[Gives his Sword.
O strange effect of a most Generous passion!

His Enemies themselves must needs admire it.

Nay, if Gonsalvo makes a Fashion of it,
'Twill be Valour to Dye tamely.

[Gives his.
I am for Dying too with my dear Master.

My Life will go as eas'ly as a Flies,
The least Fillip does it in this Fright.

1 Pyr.
One call our Captain up: Tell him, he deserves little of the Booty.

It has so much prevail'd upon my Soul,
I ever must acknowledge it.

[To Gonsalvo.
Julia has reason, if she Love him; yet
I find I cannot bear it.



Say but you Love me; I am more than Paid.

You ask that only thing I cannot give;
Were I not Rod'ricks first, I should be Yours;
My violent Love for him, I know is faulty,
Yet Passion never can be plac'd so ill,
But that to change it is the greater Crime:
Inconstancy is such a Guilt, as makes
That very Love suspected which it brings;
It brings a Gift, but 'tis of ill-got Wealth,
The spoils of some forsaken Lovers heart:
Love alter'd once, like Blood let out before,
Will lose its Virtue, and can Cure no more.

In those few Minutes which I have to Live,
To be call'd yours is all I can enjoy;
Rodorick receives no Prejudice by that;
I would but make some small Acquaintance here,
For fear I never should enquire you out
In that new World which we are going to.

Then I can hold no longer;—you desire
In Death to be call'd Hers; and all I wish
Is Dying to be Yours.

You'l not discover?

See here the most unfortunate of Women,
That Angellina, whom you all thought lost;
And lost she was indeed; when she beheld
Gonsalvo first.

How! Angellina!

My Sister?

I thought to have fled Love in flying Manuel,
But Love pursu'd me in Gonsalvo's Shape;
For him I Ventur'd all that Maids hold dear,
Th'opinion of my Modesty, and Virtue,
My loss of Fortune, and my Brothers love.
For him I have expos'd my Self to Dangers,
Which, (great themselves, yet) greater would appear,
If you could see them through a Womans fear:
But why do I my Right by Dangers prove?
The greatest Argument for Love, is Love:
That passion, Julia, while he Lives, denies,


He should refuse to give her when he Dyes:
Yet grant he did his Life to her bequeath,
May I not claim my share of him in Death?
I only begg, when all the Glory's gone,
The heatless Beams of a departing Sun.

Never was Passion hid so modestly,
So generously reveal'd.

Wee'r now a chain of Lovers linck'd in Death;
Julia goes first, Gonsalvo hangs on her,
And Angellina holds upon Gonsalvo,
As I on Angellina.

Nay, here's Honoria too:—
You look on me with wonder in your Eyes,
To see me here, and in this strange disguise.

What new Miracle is this? Honoria!

I left you with my Aunt at Barcellona,
And thought ere this you had been Married to
The old Rich man, Don Estevan de Gama:

I ever had a strange Aversion for him;
But when Gonsalvo Landed there, and made
A kind of Courtship, (though it seems in Jeast)
It serv'd to Conquer me, which Estevan
Perceiving, prest my Aunt to haste the Marriage.
What should I do? my Aunt importun'd me
For the next Day: Gonsalvo, though I Lov'd him,
Knew not my Love; nor was I sure his Courtship
Was not th'effect of a bare Gallantry.

Alas! how griev'd I am, that slight address
Should make so deep Impressions on your Mind
In three Days time.

That accident in which
You sav'd my Life, when first you saw me, caus'd it.
Though now the Story be too long to tell;
Howe'r it was, hearing that Night you lay
Aboard your Ship, thus as you see Disguis'd,
In Cloaths belong to my Youngest Nephew,
I Rose e'r Day, resolv'd to find you out,
And, if I could, procure to wait on you
Without discovery of my Self; but Fortune
Crost all my Hopes.


It was that dismal Night
Which tore my Anchor up, and tost my Ship
Past hope of Safety, many Days together,
Untill at length it threw me on this Port.

I will not tell you what my Sorrows were
To find you gone; but there was now no help.
Go back again I durst not: But, in fine,
Thought best, as fast as my weak Leggs would bear me
To come to Alicant, and find my Sister,
Unknown to any else: But being neer
The City, I was seiz'd upon by Thieves,
From whom you Rescu'd me; the rest you know.

I know too much indeed for my Repose.

Enter Captain.
Do you know me?

Now I look better on thee,
Thou seem'st a greater Villain than I thought thee.

'Tis he.

That Bloody wretch who Robb'd us in
The Woods.

Slave! Dar'st thou lift thy Hand against me?
Dar'st thou touch any one whom he protects;
Who gave thee Life? But I accuse my self,
Not thee: The Death of all these Guiltless persons
Became my Crime that Minute when I spar'd thee.

It is not all your Threats can alter me
From what I have resolv'd.

Begin then first
With me.

I will, by laying here my Sword.

Lays his Sword at Gonsalvo's feet.
What means this suddain Change?

'Tis neither new, nor suddain: from that time
You gave me Life, I watch'd how to Repay it;
And Rod'rick's Servant gave me speedy means
T'effect my Wish: For telling me, his Master
Meant a Revenge on you, and on Don Manuel,
And then to seize on Julia, and depart:
I proffer'd him my Aid to seize a Vessel;
And having by Enquiry found out Yours,


Acquainted first the Captain with my purpose,
To make a seeming Mast'ry of the Ship.

How durst he take your Word?

That I secur'd
By letting him give notice to the Ships
That lay about: This done, knowing the place
You were to Fight on was behind the Rock;
Not far from thence, I, and some chosen Men
Lay out of Sight, that if foul Play were offer'd,
We might prevent it.
But came not in; because when there was need,
Don Manuel, who was nearer, stept before me.

Then the Boat which seem'd
To lye by chance; Hulling not far from Shore,
Was plac'd by your Direction there?

It was.

You'r truly Noble; and I owe much more
Than my own Life and Fortunes to your worth.

'Tis time I should restore their Liberty
To such of Yours as yet are seeming Pris'ners.
I'l wait on you again.
[Exit Captain.

My Enemies are happy, and the Storm
Prepar'd for them, must break upon my Head.

So far am I from Happiness, Heav'n knows
My Griefs are Doubled:—
I stand Ingag'd in hopeless Love to Julia;
In Gratitude to these:
Here I have giv'n my Heart, and here I owe it.

Dear Master, trouble not your Self for me;
I ever made your Happiness my own;
Let Julia witness with what Faith I serv'd you,
When you employ'd me in your Love to her.
I gave your Noble heart away, as if
It had been some light Gallant's, little worth:
Not that I Lov'd you less than Angellina,
But my Self less than You.

Wonder of Honour,
Of which my Own was but a fainter Shadow,
When I gave Julia, whom I could not keep.


You fed a Fire within, with too rich Fuel,
In giving it your Heart to Prey upon;
The sweetest-Off'ring that was ever Burnt
Since last the Phænix Dy'd.

If Angellina, knew like me, the Pride
Of Noble minds, which is to give, not take;
Like me she would be Satisfy'd, her Heart
Was well bestow'd, and ask for no return.

Pray let my Heart alone; you'l use it as
The Gipsies do our Money;
If they once Touch it, they have Pow'r upon't.

Enter the Servant, who appear'd in the first Act with Gonsalvo.
O my dear Lord, Gonsalvo de Peralta!

De Peralta said you? You amaze me!

Why, Do you know that Family in Sevil?

I am my Self the elder Brother of it.

Don Rod'rick de Peralta!

I was so,
Untill my Mother Dy'd, whose Name de Sylva
I chose, (our Custom not forbidding it)
Three Years ago, when I return'd from Flanders:
I came here to possess a fair Estate
Left by an Aunt; her Sister, for whose sake,
I take that Name, and lik'd the place so well,
That never since I have return'd to Sevil.

'Twas then that change of Name which caus'd my Letters
All to miscarry: What an happy Tempest
Was this, which would not let me rest at Sevil,
But Blew me farther on to see you here.

Brother, I come to claim a Sister's share;
But you'r too near me, to be nearer now.

In my room let me beg you to receive
Don Manuel.

I take it half unkindly,
You give me from your Self so soon; Don Manuel
I know is Worthy, and but Yester-day
Preserv'd my Life; but it will take some time
To change my Heart;


I'l watch it patiently, as Chymists do
Their golden Birth; and when 'tis Chang'd, receive it
With greater care than they their rich Elyxir,
Just passing from one Vial to another.

Julia is still my Brother's, though I loose her.

You shall not loose her; Julia was Born
For none but you;
And I for none but my Honoria:
Julia is Yours by Inclination;
And I by Conquest am Honoria's.

'Tis the most Glorious one that e'r was made:
And I no longer will dispute my Happiness.

Julia, you know my peevish Jealousies;
I cannot promise you a better Husband
Than you have had a Servant.

I receive you
With all your Faults.

And think, when I am Froward,
My sullen Humour punishes it self;
I'm like a Day in March, sometimes o'r-cast
With Storms, but then the after Clearness is
The greater: The worst is, where I Love most,
The Tempest falls most heavy.

Ah! What a little time to Love is Lent?
Yet half that time is in Unkindness spent.

That you may see some hope of my Amendment,
I give my Friendship to Don Manuel, ere
My Brother asks, or he himself desires it.

I'l ever Cherish it.

Since for my Sake you become Friends, my care
Shall be to keep you so: You, Captain, shall
Command this Carrack, and with her my Fortunes:
You, my Honoria, though you have an Heart
Which Julia left, yet think it not the worse;
'Tis not worn out, but Polish'd by the wearing.
Your merit shall her Beauties pow'r remove;
Beauty but gains, Obligement keeps our Love.
