University of Virginia Library


Tuesday the 13th the King was pleased again to run at Heads, as a common Sport, wherein he who hit most was to win. His Majesty had again the Prize of the course of the Ladies, the Duke of St. Aignan that of the Sport; and having had the Honour to enter the next time into Competition with his Majesty, the incomparable Skill of the King gain'd him that Prize too, and 'twas not without an unavoidable Amazement, that the King


was seen to gain four in two Times which he run at the Heads.

The same Night was play'd the Comedy of the Forced Marriage, which was likewise the Work of the same Moliere; then the King took his way to Fontainebleau on Wednesday the fourteenth. All the Court was so satisfy'd with what they had seen, that every one was of Opinion it ought to be put in Writing, to give some Idea of it to those who did not see such diversified and agreeable Entertainments, wherein were at once to be admired the Project and the Success, the Liberality with the Politeness, the Multitude with Order, and the Satisfaction of all, wherein the indefatigable Pains of Monsieur Colbert were employ'd thro' all these Diversions, notwithstanding his important Affairs; wherein the Duke de St. Aignan join'd Action to the Invention of the Design, wherein the fine Verses of the President de Perigny in Praise of the Queens were so justly conceived, so agreeably turn'd, and repeated with so much Art; wherein those which M. de Bensserade made for the Knights had a general Approbation; wherein the exact Vigilance of M. Bontemps, and the Application of M. de Launay, let nothing that was necessary be wanting: In a Word, wherein every one so advantagiously testified his Design of pleasing the King, at a Time when his Majesty himself thought of nothing but pleasing; and wherein all that was seen will for ever continue in the Memory of the Spectators, tho' Care had not been taken to preserve in Writing the Remembrance of all these Wonders.