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As the Story of this Masque is taken from the Fabulous History of the Heathen Gods; I hope there will be no occasion for an Apology, why they are treated with that Familiarity, I might say, Contempt of their Divinity, since we have so good an Authority as Lucian, from whose Dialogues this is chiefly copied; therefore, if any Thing appear harsh or grating, as Momus's Usage of Jupiter, the Reader is desired to consider, that it is agreeable to the Manner that Lucian writ in; and the Story must have been lost, or the Sentiments which the Antients had of those Deities, if we had not pursued the Language they made use of. I own here is a great deal of Room for fine Machinery Decoration of the Stage, and the like; but as that wou'd have encreas'd the


Expences of the House too considerably, we hope the Musick to this Masque will prove as agreeable an Entertainment to the Town, as hath been produced in this Kind some Years; for the Composing of which, we own ourselves obliged to Mr. William Turner, who hath a happy Genius in Naturalizing Italian Musick into a true English Manner, without losing the Spirit and Force of the Original in the Imitation, or the Masterly Touches of the Art in the Composition.


N. B. Those Lines Mark'd with a Comma [thus] ‘are Airs, and those without, are Recitative.