University of Virginia Library


a Chamber.
Oh, blessed, most blessed are the insensible!
In the mild zone of calm indifference:
No hatred chills them, and no passion burns;
To feed, and sleep, and do observance due
To the stale ritual of quaint ceremony,
Fills up the humble measure of their hope;
Smooth and unruffled glides their temperate stream,
And one day rounds their whole life's history.
Oh, had my heart been such! but Nature poiz'd
In distribution, when she gives the touch
Alive to exstacy, in like extreme
Subjects the sense to anguish: the same soul,
That in the hope of wedding Paladore,
Enjoy'd its sum of bliss, with equal pain
Averts me from his rival: thus entranc'd
'Twixt love and fear, I feel the pangs of both,
And the sharp conflict rends me. Ha! my father!
Now comes the trial.