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When Vice corrupts and cankers in a State,
It surely brings, tho' slow, the Frowns of Fate.
When plodding Ministers by wicked Arts,
Can blind the Eyes, and rule a People's Hearts;
Then Tyranny and Faction rage around,
And lawless Acts eternally abound.
The Nation groans beneath indignant Chains,
Where proud ambitious Statesmen hold the Reins.
Such was Sejanus, such he flourish'd long,
For Patriot Opposition much too strong.
By direst Means and Artifice he rose,
And step'd tow'rds Empire on the Necks of Foes.
No Honesty before his Pow'r could stand,
Poor harass'd Virtue fled the suff'ring Land;
Wounded, she labour'd for a safe Retreat,
And weeping Blood forsook her ancient Seat:
While Vice, in all the Pomp and Pow'r of Pride,
Did at Rome's venerable State preside.
Yet tho' thus deck'd, with most alluring Charms,
Who would not fly to banish'd Virtue's Arms?
Titles like Bubbles that on Waters play,
Are by a Breath both rais'd and puff'd away,
'Tis Virtue that alone feels no Decay.


She gives her Proselytes a lasting Store;
Beyond the Worth of sordid glitt'ring Ore;
Her Joys are of a higher nobler Bent,
They balm the Mind, administring Content.
Thus much it necessary seem'd to say,
Concerning the chief Purport of the Play.
And now a second Charge I must fulfill,
Our Author, Alterer, or what you will,
Humbly requests the Critics may be still.
Not that he fears;—the snarling Train he slights,
For under Johnson's laurell'd Shade he writes.
If you will damn, he says, his Fall is great,
Since honest Ben must e'en participate,
And so ally'd he dares the Frowns of Fate.