University of Virginia Library

PROLOGUE By Colonel Allen. Design'd to have been spoke, but came too late

Your Clemency has rais'd our Author's Heart,
On Buskins now he struts, assumes a Part,
Far diff'ring from his former groveling Way,
In tragick Strains, he undertakes to day;
For all his Confidence, I let him know,
A Tragedy was more than he could do.
I told him what he enterpriz'd was hard,
Presumptions in a Greek or Irish Bard,
A Sophocles was only fit to tell,
How Oedipus, and injur'd Ajax fell;
Th'Exploits, of mighty Men and fighting Kings,
Were Sounds too big for humble trembling Strings.
What need you for a Tale so high to go,
Said I, have you not Robinson Crusoe,
There Incidents in full Perfection flow.
Such a Dramatick is the fam'd De-Foe.
Can't you the trusty Friday imitate;
There's an accomplish'd Minister of State.
Then for a Hero, without Sense or Fear,


There's William Atkins, fits you to a Hair,
For he the silly Rogue repents at last,
Marry's the Blouze, after six Children past;
And then an Episode of Salvages,
Who sing and dance, and love all under Trees;
Diverting Cannibals, men-eating Men,
Who fight to eat, and eat to fight again,
Five plump black Girls, trust, ready to be roasted,
Were Whip—unty'd, and presently were toasted,
Brave lucky Jades, Things then were finely carry'd,
Half dead with Fear of spitting, they were marry'd
These friendly Hints I gave, but 'twould not do,
Full of him self, he would his own pursue,
Resolves to show a Monarch of your own,
Who holds alone from Jupiter his Throne,
His Rule of Life does from his Passions draw,
Not aw'd by Priests, nor terrify'd by Law;
A Popish Priest he ventures to expose,
Who sticks at nothing to distress his Foes,
Thanks Revolution, we have none of those,
For such outragious Plagues we're not in Pain,
They're to be found in Moscovy or Spain.