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EPILOGUE. Spoke by Miss Dennis Chock.

EPILOGUE. Spoke by Miss Dennis Chock.

Of all the Actors you have seen this day,
Our Scribbler culls out me, t'excuse his Play,
I cry'd I was too young; be said, he knew
The likeliest way to please, was to be new.
I cou'd not choose but laugh, to find the Fool
Shou'd think I ne're was try'd, bred in this School:
And therefore, to remove his gross mistake,
I told I'd been us'd before to speak.
But since I was t'address to you, he swore,
It was no fault, to have been us'd, Before.
Tho he has taken after all wrong measure,
Either to give the Men, or Ladies Pleasure.
Gladly he wou'd divert you beauteous Row;
In vain he strives, for by my self I know,
They hate, what they admir'd an hour ago.
Yet since they are not always of one mind,
Some, at some minutes, may perhaps be kind.
One tender look from them will please him more
Than when the Pit applauds, or Gall'ries roar.
And for the Men, I'm told there was a time,
When nothing mov'd like Virgins in their Prime.
But Time alas is chang'd; now 'tis not so,
Nothing will please the Beaux now, but a Beau.
They come not now with Masks to keep a pother,
But from Side-boxes ogle one another.
But I forget for what I am come here.
Well, 'tis not yet too late, because I hear,
For all your forward boasts, you love the Rear.
I come, to beg for Mercy for the Play,
Yet do not think, I'll for your Judgment stay.
No, I'll be gone, because such gen'rous Youths,
When my Back's turn'd, will speak the kindest Truths.