University of Virginia Library


SCENE, A wild Island.
Enter Ferdinand, and Ariel and Milcha invisible.
Come unto these yellow sands,
And then take hands,
Curtst'd when you have, and kiss'd;
The wild waves whist.
Foot it featly here and there,
And sweet sprights the burthen bear.
Hark! hark!
Bow waugh, the Watch-dogs bark.
Bow waugh. Hark! hark! I hear
The strain of strutting Chanticleer,
Cry, Cock a doodle do.


Where should this Musick be? i'th' air, or earth? it sounds
no more, and sure it waits upon some God i'th' Island; sitting
on a bank, weeping against the Duke; my Father's wrack'd;
This Musick hover'd on the waters, allaying both their fury
and my passion with charming Aires. Thence I have follow'd
it, (or it has drawn me rather) but 'tis gone: No, it begins

Full fathom five thy Father lies,
Of his bones is Coral made:
Those are Pearls that were his Eyes,
Nothing of him that does fade.
But does suffer a Sea-change
Into something rich and strange:
Sea Nymphs hourly ring his knell;
Hark! now I hear 'em, ding dong Bell.


This mournful Ditty mentions my drown'd Father.
This is no mortal business, nor a sound which the Earth owns—
I hear it now before me; however I will on and follow it.

[Exit Ferd. following Ariel.