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Lenvoye to alle þestates present.


Lenvoye to alle þestates present.


Þis Princesse haþe, by favour of nature,
Repared ageine þat wynter haþe so fade,
And foolis loustely recvvre
Þeire lusty notes and þeire enemye glade,
And vnder braunches vnder plesant shade
Reioyssing þaire with many swote odoures,
And Zepherus with many fresshe [shoures].


Topyted fayre, with motleys whyte and rede,
Alle hilles, pleynes, and lusty bankes grene,
And made hir bawme to fleete in every mede,
And fury Tytane shewe oute heos tresses sheene,
And vppon busshes and hawthornes kene,
Þe nightingale with plesant ermonye
Colde wynter stormes nowe sheo doþe defye.


On Parnoso þe lusty muses nyene,
Citherra with hir sone nowe dwellis,
Þis sayson singe and þeire notes tuwyne
Of poetrye besyde þe cristal wellis;
Calyope þe dytes of hem tellis,
And Orpheus with heos stringes sharpe
Syngeþe a roundell with his temperd herpe.


Wher-fore to alle estates here present,
Þis plesant tyme moste of lustynesse,
May is nowe comen to fore yow of entent
To bringe yowe alle to ioye and fresshnesse,
Prosparitee, welfare, and al gladnesse,
And al þat may Youre Hyenesse qweeme and pleese,
In any parte or doone youre hertes eese.