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The Skynners

XXV.The entry into Jerusalem upon the Ass

[Scene II]

[Scene II]

Bethphage, at the Mount of Olives.
To me takis tent and giffis gud hede,
My dere discipulis þat ben here,
I schalle ȝou telle þat shalbe in dede,
My tyme to passe hense, it drawith nere,
And by þis skill,
Mannys sowle to saue fro sorowes sere
Þat loste was ill.
From heuen to erth whan I dyssende
Rawnsom to make I made promys,
The prophicie nowe drawes to ende,
My fadirs wille forsoth it is,
Þat sente me hedyr.
Petir, Phelippe, I schall ȝou blisse,
& go to-gedir
Vn-to ȝone castell þat is ȝou agayne,
Gois with gud harte, and tarie noȝt,
My comaundement to do be ȝe bayne.
Also I ȝou charge loke it be wrought,
Þat schal ȝe fynde


An asse, þis feste als ȝe had soght,
Ȝe hir vn-bynde
With hir foole, and to me hem bring,
Þat I on hir may sitte a space;
So þe prophicy clere menyng
May be fulfilled here in þis place,
‘Doghtyr Syon,
Loo! þi lorde comys rydand on an asse
Þe to opon.’
Yf any man will ȝou gayne-saye,
Say þat youre lorde has nede of þam,
And schall restore þame þis same day,
Vn-to what man will þam clayme.
Do þus þis thyng,
Go furthe ȝe both, and be ay bayne
In my blissyng.

Jesu, maistir, evyn at þy wille,
And at þi liste vs likis to doo,
Yone beste whilke þou desires þe tille,
Euen at þi will schall come þe too,
Vn-to þin esse.
Sertis, lord, we will þedyre all
Þe for to plese.

Lord þe to plese we are full bayne,
Boþe nyght and day to do þi will.

[They go out.