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The Spicers

XII. The Annunciation, and visit of Elizabeth to Mary

Scene II,

Scene II,

the house of Zacharias; Mary visits Elizabeth.]
Elyzabeth, myn awne cosyne,
Me thoght I coveyte alway mast
To speke with þe of all my kynne,
Therfore I comme þus in þis hast.

Welcome! mylde Marie,
Myne aughen cosyne so dere,
Joifull woman am I,
Þat I nowe see þe here.
Blissid be þou anely
Of all women in feere,
And þe frute of thy body
Be blissid ferre and nere.
Þis is ioyfull tydyng
Þat I may nowe here see,
Þe modyr of my lord kyng,
Thus-gate come to me.
Sone als þe voyce of þine haylsing
Moght myn neres entre and be,
Þe childe in my wombe so yenge,
Makes grete myrthe vnto þe.

Nowe lorde! blist be þou ay
For þe grace þou has me lente;
Lorde I lofe þe god verray,
Þe sande þou hast me sente.
I þanke þe nyght and day,
And prayes with goode entente
Þou make me to thy paye,
To þe my wille is wentte.


Blissed be þou grathely grayed
To god thurgh chastite,
Þou trowed and helde þe payed
Atte his wille for to bee.
All þat to þe is saide,
Fro my lorde so free,
Swilke grace is for the layde,
Sall be fulfilled in þe.

[T]o his grace I will me ta,
With chastite to dele,
Þat made me þus to ga
Omange his maidens fele.
My saule sall louying ma
Vn-to þat lorde so lele,
And my gast make ioye alswa
In god þat es my hele.

[tunc cantat.