University of Virginia Library


Primus Pastor.
Lord, what these weders ar cold! and I am yll happyd;
I am nere hande dold so long haue I nappyd;
My legys thay fold my fyngers ar chappyd,
It is not as I wold for I am al lappyd
In sorow.
In stormes and tempest,
Now in the eest, now in the west,
wo is hym has neuer rest
Myd day nor morow!
Bot we sely shepardes that walkys on the moore,
In fayth we are nere handys outt of the doore;


No wonder as it standys if we be poore,
ffor the tylthe of oure landys lyys falow as the floore,
As ye ken.
we ar so hamyd,
ffor-taxed and ramyd,
We ar mayde hand tamyd,
with thyse gentlery men.
Thus thay refe vs oure rest oure lady theym wary!
These men that ar lord fest thay cause the ploghe tary.
That men say is for the best we fynde it contrary;
Thus ar husbandys opprest in po[i]nte to myscary,
On lyfe.
Thus hold thay vs hunder,
Thus thay bryng vs in blonder;
It were greatte wonder,
And euer shuld we thryfe.
ffor may he gett a paynt slefe or a broche now on dayes,
wo is hym that hym grefe or onys agane says!
Dar noman hym reprefe what mastry he mays,
And yit may noman lefe oone word that he says,
No letter.
he can make purveance,
with boste and bragance,
And all is thrugh mantenance
Of men that are gretter.
Ther shall com a swane as prowde as a po,
he must borow my wane my ploghe also,
Then I am full fane to graunt or he go.
Thus lyf we in payne Anger, and wo,
By nyght and day;
he must haue if he langyd,
If I shuld forgang it,
I were better be hangyd
Then oones say hym nay.
It dos me good, as I walk thus by myn oone,
Of this warld for to talk in maner of mone.


To my shepe wyll I stalk and herkyn anone,
Ther abyde on a balk or sytt on a stone
ffull soyne.
ffor I trowe, perde,
trew men if thay be,
we gett more compane
Or it be noyne.

Secundus pastor.
Benste and dominus! what may this bemeyne?
why, fares this warld thus oft haue we not sene?
lord, thyse weders ar spytus and the weders full kene.
And the frostys so hydus thay water myn eeyne,
No ly.
Now in dry, now in wete,
Now in snaw, now in slete,
When my shone freys to my fete,
It is not all esy.
Bot as far as I ken or yit as I go,
we sely wedmen dre mekyll wo;
We haue sorow then and then it fallys oft so;
Sely capyle, oure hen both to and fro
She kakyls;
Bot begyn she to crok,
To groyne or [to clo]k,
Wo is hym is of oure cok,
ffor he is in the shekyls.
These men that ar wed haue not all thare wyll,
when they ar full hard sted thay sygh full styll;
God wayte thay ar led full hard and full yll;
In bower nor in bed thay say noght ther tyll,
This tyde.
My parte haue I fun,
I know my lesson.
wo is hym that is bun,
ffor he must abyde.


Bot now late in oure lyfys a meruell to me,
That I thynk my hart ryfys sich wonders to see.
what that destany dryfys it shuld so be;
Som men wyll have two wyfys and som men thre,
In store;
Som ar wo that has any,
Bot so far can I,
wo is hym that has many,
ffor he felys sore.
Bot yong men of wowyng for god that you boght,
Be well war of wedyng and thynk in youre thoght,
“had I wyst” is a thyng it seruys of noght;
Mekyll styll mowrnyng has wedyng home broght,
And grefys;
with many a sharp showre,
ffor thou may cach in an owre
That shall [savour] fulle sowre
As long as thou lyffys.
ffor, as euer red I pystyll I haue oone to my fere,
As sharp as a thystyll as rugh as a brere;
She is browyd lyke a brystyll with a sowre loten chere;
had She oones Wett Hyr Whystyll She couth Syng full clere
Hyr pater noster.
She is as greatt as a whall,
She has a galon of gall:
By hym that dyed for vs all,
I wald I had ryn to I had lost hir.

primus pastor.
God looke ouer the raw ffull defly ye stand.

ijus pastor.
yee, the dewill in thi maw so tariand.
sagh thou awro of daw?

primus pastor.
yee, on a ley land
hard I hym blaw he commys here at hand,
Not far;


Stand styll.

ijus pastor.

primus pastor.
ffor he commys, hope I.

ijus pastor.
he wyll make vs both a ly
Bot if we be war.

Tercius pastor.
Crystys crosse me spede and sant nycholas!
Ther of had I nede it is wars then it was.
Whoso couthe take hede and lett the warld pas,
It is euer in drede and brekyll as glas,
And slythys.
This warld fowre neuer so,
With meruels mo and mo,
Now in weyll, now in wo,
And all thyng wrythys.
Was neuer syn noe floode sich floodys seyn;
Wyndys and ranys so rude and stormes so keyn;
Som stamerd, som stod in dowte, as I weyn;
Now god turne all to good I say as I mene,
ffor ponder.
These floodys so thay drowne,
Both in feyldys and in towne,
And berys all downe,
And that is a wonder.
We that walk on the nyghtys oure catell to kepe,
We se sodan syghtys when othere men slepe.
yit me thynk my hart lyghtys I se shrewys pepe;
ye ar two all wyghtys I wyll gyf my shepe
A turne.
Bot full yll haue I ment,
As I walk on this bent,
I may lyghtly repent,
My toes if I spurne.
A, sir, god you saue and master myne!
A drynk fayn wold I haue and somwhat to dyne.


primus pastor.
Crystys curs, my knaue thou art a ledyr hyne!

ijus pastor.
What! the boy lyst rave; abyde vnto syne;
We haue mayde it.
yll thryft on thy pate!
Though the shrew cam late,
yit is he in state
To dyne, if he had it.

Tercius pastor.
Sich seruandys as I that swettys and swynkys,
Etys oure brede full dry and that me forthynkys;
We ar oft weytt and wery when master-men wynkys,
yit commys full lately both dyners and drynkys,
Bot nately.
Both oure dame and oure syre,
when we haue ryn in the myre,
Thay can nyp at oure hyre,
And pay vs full lately.
Bot here my trouth, master for the fayr that ye make,
I shall do therafter wyrk as I take;
I shall do a lytyll, sir and emang euer lake,
ffor yit lay my soper neuer on my stomake
In feyldys.
Wherto shuld I threpe?
with my staf can I lepe,
And men say “lyght chepe
letherly for-yeldys.”

primus pastor.
Thou were an yll lad to ryde on wowyng
With a man that had bot lytyll of spendyng.

ijus pastor.
Peasse, boy, I bad no more Iangling,
Or I shall make the full rad by the heuen's kyng!
with thy gawdys;
wher ar oure shepe, boy, we skorne?

iijus pastor.
Sir, this same day at morne
I thaym left in the corne,
when thay rang lawdys;


Thay haue pasture good thay can not go wrong.

primus pastor.
That is right, by the roode! thyse nyghtys ar long,
yit I wold, or we yode oone gaf vs a song.

ijus pastor.
So I thoght as I stode to myrth vs emong.

iijus pastor.
I grauntt.

primus pastor.
lett me syng the tenory.

ijus pastor.
And I the tryble so hye.

iijus pastor.
Then the meyne fallys to me;
lett se how ye chauntt.

Tunc intrat mak, in clamide se super togam vestitus.
Now lord, for thy naymes sevyn that made both moyn & starnes
Well mo then I can neuen thi will, lorde, of me tharnys;
I am all vneuen that moves oft my harnes,
Now Wold god I were in heuen for there wepe no barnes
So styll.

primus pastor.
Who is that pypys so poore?

wold god ye wyst how I foore!
lo, a man that walkys on the moore,
And has not all his wyll!

secundus pastor.
Mak, where has thou gon? tell vs tythyng.

Tercius pastor.
Is he commen? then ylkon take hede to his thyng.

& accipit clamidem ab ipso.
what! ich be a yoman I tell you, of the king;
The self and the same sond from a greatt lordyng,
And sich.
ffy on you! goyth hence
Out of my presence!
I must haue reuerence;
why, who be ich?


primus pastor.
Why make ye it so qwaynt? mak, ye do wrang.

ijus pastor.
Bot, mak, lyst ye saynt? I trow that ye lang.

iijus pastor.
I trow the shrew can paynt, the dewyll myght hym hang!

Ich shall make complaynt and make you all to thwang
At a worde,
And tell euyn how ye doth.

primus pastor.
Bot, Mak, is that sothe?
Now take outt that sothren tothe,
And sett in a torde!

ijus pastor.
Mak, the dewill in youre ee a stroke wold I leyne you.

iijus pastor.
Mak, know ye not me? by god I couthe teyn you.

God looke you all thre! me thoght I had sene you,
ye ar a fare compane.

primus pastor.
can ye now mene you?

secundus pastor.
Shrew, Iape!
Thus late as thou goys,
what wyll men suppos?
And thou has an yll noys
of stelyng of shepe.

And I am trew as steyll all men waytt,
Bot a sekenes I feyll that haldys me full haytt,
My belly farys not weyll it is out of astate.

iijus pastor.
Seldom lyys the dewyll dede by the gate.

full sore am I and yll,
If I stande stone styll;
I ete not an nedyll
Thys moneth and more.


primus pastor.
how farys thi wyff? by my hoode how farys sho?

lyys walteryng, by the roode by the fyere, lo!
And a howse full of brude she drynkys well to;
yll spede othere good that she wyll do!
Bot so
Etys as fast as she can,
And ilk yere that commys to man
She bryngys furth a lakan,
And som yeres two.
Bot were I not more gracyus and rychere befar,
I were eten outt of howse and of harbar;
Yit is she a fowll dowse if ye com nar:
Ther is none that trowse nor knowys a war,
Then ken I.
Now wyll ye se what I profer,
To gyf all in my cofer
To morne at next to offer
hyr hed mas penny.

Secundus pastor.
I wote so forwakyd is none in this shyre:
I wold slepe if I takyd les to my hyere.

iijus pastor.
I am cold and nakyd and wold haue a fyere.

primus pastor.
I am wery, for-rakyd and run in the myre.
wake thou!

ijus pastor.
Nay, I wyll lyg downe by,
ffor I must slepe truly.

iijus pastor.
As good a man's son was I
As any of you.
Bot, mak, com heder! betwene shall thou lyg downe.

Then myght I lett you bedene of that ye wold rowne,


No drede.
ffro my top to my too,
Manus tuas commendo,
poncio pilato,
Cryst crosse me spede!
Tunc surgit, pastoribus dormientibus, & dicit;
Now were tyme for a man that lakkys what he wold,
To stalk preuely than vnto a fold,
And neemly to wyrk than and be not to bold,
ffor he might aby the bargan if it were told
At the endyng.
Now were tyme for to reyll;
Bot he nedys good counsell
That fayn wold fare weyll,
And has bot lytyll spendyng.
Bot abowte you a serkyll as rownde as a moyn,
To I haue done that I wyll tyll that it be noyn,
That ye lyg stone styll to that I haue doyne,
And I shall say thertyll of good wordys a foyne.
On hight
Ouer youre heydus my hand I lyft,
Outt go youre een, fordo your syght,
Bot yit I must make better shyft,
And it be right.
lord! what thay slepe hard! that may ye all here;
was I neuer a shepard bot now wyll I lere.
If the flok be skard yit shall I nyp nere,
how! drawes hederward! now mendys oure chere
ffrom sorow:
A fatt shepe I dar say,
A good flese dar I lay,
Eft whyte when I may,
Bot this will I borow.
[Mak goes home.]
how, gyll, art thou In? gett vs som lyght.

Vxor eius.
Who makys sich dyn this tyme of the nyght?


I am sett for to spyn I hope not I myght
Ryse a penny to wyn, I shrew them on hight!
So farys
A huswyff that has bene
To be rasyd thus betwene:
here may no note be sene
ffor sich small charys.

Good wyff, open the hek! seys thou not what I bryng?

I may thole the dray the snek. A, com in, my swetyng!

yee, thou thar not rek of my long standyng.

By the nakyd nek art thou lyke for to hyng.

Do way:
I am worthy my mete,
ffor in a strate can I gett
More then thay that swynke and swette
All the long day,
Thus it fell to my lott gyll, I had sich grace.

It were a fowll blott to be hanged for the case.

I haue skapyd, Ielott oft as hard a glase.

Bot so long goys the pott to the water, men says,
At last
Comys it home broken.

well knowe I the token,
Bot let it neuer be spoken;
Bot com and help fast.
I wold he were slayn I lyst well ete:
This twelmothe was I not so fayn of oone shepe mete.

Com thay or he be slayn and here the shepe blete!

Then myght I be tane, that were a cold swette!
Go spar
The gaytt doore.

Yis, Mak,
ffor and thay com at thy bak,

Then myght I by, for all the pak,
The dewill of the war.


A good bowrde haue I spied syn thou can none.
here shall we hym hyde to thay be gone;
In my credyll abyde lett me alone,
And I shall lyg besyde in chylbed, and grone.

Thou red;
And I shall say thou was lyght
Of a knaue childe this nyght.

Now well is me day bright,
That euer was I bred.
This is a good gyse and a far cast;
Yit a woman avyse helpys at the last.
I wote neuer who spyse, agane go thou fast.

Bot I com or thay ryse els blawes a cold blast!
I wyll go slepe.
[Mak returns to the shepherds, and resumes his place.]
yit slepys all this meneye,
And I shall go stalk preuely,
As it had neuer bene I
That caryed thare shepe.

primus pastor.
Resurrex a mortruis! haue hald my hand.
Iudas carnas dominus! I may not well stand:
My foytt slepys, by ihesus and I water fastand.
I thoght that we layd vs full nere yngland.

Secundus pastor.
A ye!
lord! what I haue slept weyll;
As fresh as an eyll,
As lyght I me feyll
As leyfe on a tre.

Tercius pastor.
Benste be here in! so my [hart?] qwakys,
My hart is outt of skyn what so it makys.
Who makys all this dyn? so my browes blakys,
To the dowore wyll I wyn harke felows, wakys!
We were fowre:
se ye awre of mak now?

primus pastor.
we were vp or thou.

ijus pastor.
Man, I gyf god a vowe,
yit yede he nawre.


iijus pastor.
Me thoght he was lapt in a wolfe skyn.

primus pastor.
So are many hapt now namely within.

ijus pastor.
When we had long napt me thoght with a gyn
A fatt shepe he trapt bot he mayde no dyn.

Tercius pastor.
Be styll:
Thi dreme makys the woode:
It is bot fantom, by the roode.

primus pastor.
Now god turne all to good,
If it be his wyll.

ijus pastor.
Ryse, mak, for shame! thou lygys right lang.

Now crystys holy name be vs emang!
what is this? for sant Iame I may not well gang!
I trow I be the same A! my nek has lygen wrang
Mekill thank, syn yister euen,
Now, by sant strevyn,
I was flayd with a swevyn,
My hart out of sloghe.
I thoght gyll began to crok and trauell full sad,
welner at the fyrst cok of a yong lad,
ffor to mend oure flok then be I neuer glad.
I haue tow on my rok more then euer I had.
A, my heede!
A house full of yong tharmes,
The dewill knok outt thare harnes!
wo is hym has many barnes,
And therto lytyll brede!
I must go home, by youre lefe to gyll as I thoght.
I pray you looke my slefe that I steyll noght:
I am loth you to grefe or from you take oght.

iijus pastor.
Go furth, yll myght thou chefe! now wold I we soght,


This morne,
That we had all oure store.

primus pastor.
Bot I will go before,
let vs mete.

ijus pastor.

iijus pastor.
At the crokyd thorne.

Vndo this doore! who is here? how long shall I stand?

Vxor eius.
Who makys sich a bere? now walk in the Wenyand.

A, gyll, what chere? it is I, mak, youre husbande,

Then may we be here the dewill in a bande,
Syr gyle;
lo, he commys with a lote
As he were holden in the throte.
I may not syt at my note,
A hand lang while.

wyll ye here what fare she makys to gett hir a glose,
And dos noght bot lakys and clowse hir toose.

why, who wanders, who wakys who commys, who gose?
who brewys, who bakys? what makys me thus hose?
And than,
It is rewthe to beholde,
Now in hote, now in colde,
ffull wofull is the householde
That wantys a woman.
Bot what ende has thou mayde with the hyrdys, mak?

The last worde that thay sayde when I turnyd my bak,
Thay wold looke that thay hade thare shepe all the pak.
I hope thay wyll nott be well payde when thay thare shepe lak,


Bot how so the gam gose,
To me thay wyll suppose,
And make a fowll noyse,
And cry outt apon me.
Bot thou must do as thou hyght

I accorde me thertyll.
I shall swedyll hym right In my credyll;
If it were a gretter slyght yit couthe I help tyll.
I wyll lyg downe stright; com hap me;

I wyll.

Com coll and his maroo,
Thay will nyp vs full naroo.

Bot I may cry out ‘haroo,’
The shepe if thay fynde.

harken ay when thay call thay will com onone.
Come and make redy all and syng by thyn oone;
Syng lullay thou shall for I must grone,
And cry outt by the wall on mary and Iohn,
ffor sore.
Syng lullay on fast
when thou heris at the last;
And bot I play a fals cast,
Trust me no more.

Tercius pastor.
A, coll, goode morne why slepys thou nott?

primus pastor.
Alas, that euer was I borne! we haue a fowll blott.
A fat wedir haue we lorne.

Tercius pastor.
mary, godys forbott!

ijus pastor.
who shuld do vs that skorne?
that were a fowll spott.

primus pastor.
Som shrewe.
I haue soght with my dogys
All horbery shrogys,
And of fefteyn hogys
ffond I bot oone ewe.


iijus pastor.
Now trow me, if ye will by sant thomas of kent,
Ayther mak or gyll was at that assent.

primus pastor.
pease, man, be still! I sagh when he went;
Thou sklanders hym yll thou aght to repent,
Goode spede.

ijus pastor.
Now as euer myght I the,
If I shuld euyn here de,
I wold say it were he,
That dyd that same dede.

iijus pastor.
Go we theder, I rede and ryn on oure feete.
Shall I neuer ete brede the sothe to I wytt.

primus pastor.
Nor drynk in my heede with hym tyll I mete.

Secundus pastor.
I wyll rest in no stede tyll that I hym grete,
My brothere.
Oone I will hight:
Tyll I se hym in sight
shall I neuer slepe one nyght
Ther I do anothere.

Tercius pastor.
will ye here how thay hak? oure syre, lyst, croyne.

primus pastor.
hard I neuer none crak so clere out of toyne;
Call on hym.

ijus pastor.
mak! vndo youre doore soyne.

Who is that spak, as it were noyne, On loft?
Who is that I say?

iijus pastor.
Goode felowse, were it day.

As far as ye may,
Good, spekys soft,


Ouer a seke woman's heede that is at mayll easse;
I had leuer be dede or she had any dyseasse.

Go to an othere stede I may not well qweasse.
Ich fote that ye trede goys thorow my nese.
So hee!

primus pastor.
Tell vs, mak, if ye may,
how fare ye, I say?

Bot ar ye in this towne to day?
Now how fare ye?
ye haue ryn in the myre and ar weytt yit:
I shall make you a fyre if ye will syt.
A nores wold I hyre thynk ye on yit,
well qwytt is my hyre my dreme this is itt,
A seson.
I haue barnes, if ye knew,
well mo then enewe,
Bot we must drynk as we brew,
And that is bot reson.
I wold ye dynyd or ye yode me thynk that ye swette.

Secundus pastor.
Nay, nawther mendys oure mode drynke nor mette.

why, sir, alys you oght bot goode?

Tercius pastor.
yee, oure shepe that we gett,
Ar stollyn as thay yode oure los is grette.

Syrs, drynkys!
had I bene thore,
Som shuld haue boght it full sore.

primus pastor.
Mary, som men trowes that ye wore,
And that vs forthynkys.

ijus pastor.
Mak, som men trowys that it shuld be ye.

iijus pastor.
Ayther ye or youre spouse so say we.

Now if ye haue suspowse to gill or to me,
Com and rype oure howse and then may ye se


who had hir,
If I any shepe fott,
Aythor cow or stott;
And gyll, my wyfe, rose nott
here syn she lade hir.
As I am true and lele to god here I pray,
That this be the fyrst mele that I shall ete this day.

primus pastor.
Mak, as haue I ceyll, Avyse the, I say;
he lernyd tymely to steyll that couth not say nay.

I swelt!
Outt, thefys, fro my wonys!
ye com to rob vs for the nonys.

here ye not how she gronys?
youre hartys shuld melt.

Outt, thefys, fro my barne! negh hym not thor.

wyst ye how she had farne youre hartys wold be sore.
ye do wrang, I you warne that thus commys before
To a woman that has farne bot I say no more.

A, my medyll!
I pray to god so mylde,
If euer I you begyld,
That I ete this chylde
That lygys in this credyll.

peasse, woman, for godys payn and cry not so:
Thou spyllys thy brane and makys me full wo.

Secundus pastor.
I trow oure shepe be slayn what finde ye two?

iijus pastor.
All wyrk we in vayn as well may we go.
Bot hatters,
I can fynde no flesh,
hard nor nesh,
Salt nor fresh,
Bot two tome platers.


Whik catell bot this tame nor wylde,
None, as haue I blys as lowde as he smylde.

No, so god me blys and gyf me Ioy of my chylde!

primus pastor.
We haue merkyd amys I hold vs begyld.

ijus pastor.
Syr don,
Syr, oure lady hym saue!
Is youre chyld a knaue?

Any lord myght hym haue
This chyld to his son.
when he wakyns he kyppys that ioy is to se.

iijus pastor.
In good tyme to hys hyppys and in cele.
Bot who was his gossyppys so sone rede?

So fare fall thare lyppys!

primus pastor.
hark now, a le!

So god thaym thank,
Parkyn, and gybon waller, I say,
And gentill Iohn horne, in good fay,
he made all the garray,
With the greatt shank.

ijus pastor.
Mak, freyndys will we be ffor we ar all oone.

we! now I hald for me for mendys gett I none.
ffare well all thre all glad were ye gone.

[The shepherds leave.]
iijus pastor.
ffare wordys may ther be bot luf is ther none
this yere.

primus pastor.
Gaf ye the chyld any thyng?

ijus pastor.
I trow not oone farthyng.

iijus pastor,
ffast agane will I flyng,
Abyde ye me there.
[Goes back to the house.]
Mak, take it to no grefe if I com to thi barne.

Nay, thou dos me greatt reprefe and fowll has thou farne.

iijus pastor.
The child will it not grefe that lytyll day starne.
Mak, with youre leyfe let me gyf youre barne,


Bot sex pence.

Nay, do way: he slepys.

iijus pastor.
Me thynk he pepys.

when he wakyns he wepys.
I pray you go hence.

[The other shepherds come back.]
iijus pastor.
Gyf me lefe hym to kys and lyft vp the clowtt.
[Seeing the sheep.]
what the dewill is this? he has a long snowte.

primus pastor.
he is merkyd amys. we wate ill abowte.

ijus pastor.
Ill spon weft, Iwys ay commys foull owte.
Ay, so!
he is lyke to oure shepe!

iijus pastor.
how, gyb! may I pepe?

primus pastor.
I trow, kynde will crepe
where it may not go.

ijus pastor.
This was a qwantt gawde and a far cast.
It was a hee frawde.

iijus pastor.
yee, syrs, wast.
lett bren this bawde and bynd hir fast.
A fals skawde hang at the last;
So shall thou.
wyll ye se how thay swedyll
his foure feytt in the medyll?
Sagh I neuer in a credyll
A hornyd lad or now.

Peasse byd I: what! lett be youre fare;
I am he that hym gatt and yond woman hym bare.

primus pastor.
What dewill shall he hatt? Mak, lo god makys ayre.

ijus pastor.
lett be all that. now god gyf hym care,
I sagh.

A pratty child is he
As syttys on a waman's kne;
A dyllydowne, perde,
To gar a man laghe.


iijus pastor.
I know hym by the eere marke that is a good tokyn.

I tell you, syrs, hark! hys noyse was brokyn.
Sythen told me a clerk that he was forspokyn.

primus pastor.
This is a fals wark I wold fayn be wrokyn:
Gett wepyn.

he was takyn with an elfe,
I saw it myself.
when the clok stroke twelf
was he forshapyn.

ijus pastor.
ye two ar well feft sam in a stede.

iijus pastor.
Syn thay manteyn thare theft let do thaym to dede.

If I trespas eft gyrd of my heede.
with you will I be left.

primus pastor.
syrs, do my reede.
ffor this trespas,
we will nawther ban ne flyte,
ffyght nor chyte,
Bot haue done as tyte,
And cast hym in canvas.
[They toss Mak in a sheet.]
lord! what I am sore in poynt for to bryst.
In fayth I may no more therfor wyll I ryst.

ijus pastor.
As a shepe of sevyn skore he weyd in my fyst.
ffor to slepe ay whore me thynk that I lyst.

iijus pastor.
Now I pray you,
lyg downe on this grene.

primus pastor.
On these thefys yit I mene.

iijus pastor.
wherto shuld ye tene
So, as I say you?

Angelus cantat “gloria in exelsis:” postea dicat:
Ryse, hyrd men heynd! for now is he borne
That shall take fro the feynd that adam had lorne:


That warloo to sheynd this nyght is he borne.
God is made youre freynd now at this morne.
he behestys,
At bedlem go se,
Ther lygys that fre
In a cryb full poorely,
Betwyx two bestys.

primus pastor.
This was a qwant stevyn that euer yit I hard.
It is a meruell to neuyn thus to be skard.

ijus pastor.
Of godys son of heuyn he spak vpward.
All the wod on a leuyn me thoght that he gard

iijus pastor.
he spake of a barne
In bedlem, I you warne.

primus pastor.
That betokyns yond starne.
let vs seke hym there,

ijus pastor.
Say, what was his song? hard ye not how he crakyd it?
Thre brefes to a long.

iijus pastor.
yee, mary, he hakt it.
was no crochett wrong nor no thyng that lakt it.

primus pastor.
ffor to syng vs emong right as he knakt it,
I can.

ijus pastor.
let se how ye croyne.
Can ye bark at the mone?

iijus pastor.
hold youre tonges, haue done!

primus pastor.
hark after, than.

ijus pastor.
To bedlem he bad that we shuld gang:
I am full fard that we tary to lang.

iijus pastor.
Be mery and not sad of myrth is oure sang,
Euer lastyng glad to mede may we fang,


Withoutt noyse.

primus pastor.
hy we theder for thy;
If we be wete and wery,
To that chyld and that lady
we haue it not to lose.

ijus pastor.
we fynde by the prophecy— let be youre dyn—
Of dauid and Isay and mo then I myn,
Thay prophecyed by clergy that in a vyrgyn
shuld he lyght and ly to slokyn oure syn
And slake it,
Oure kynde from wo;
ffor Isay sayd so,
Citè virgo
Concipiet a chylde that is nakyd.

iij pastor.
ffull glad may we be and abyde that day
That lufly to se that all myghtys may.
lord well were me for ones and for ay,
Myght I knele on my kne som word for to say
To that chylde.
Bot the angell sayd,
In a cryb wos he layde;
he was poorly arayd
Both mener and mylde.

primus pastor.
patryarkes that has bene and prophetys beforne,
Thay desyryd to haue sene this chylde that is borne.
Thay ar gone full clene that haue thay lorne.
We shall se hym, I weyn or it be morne,
To tokyn.
When I se hym and fele,
Then wote I full weyll
It is true as steyll
That prophetys haue spokyn.
To so poore as we ar that he wold appere,
ffyrst fynd, and declare by his messyngere.


ijus pastor.
Go we now, let vs fare the place is vs nere.

iijus pastor.
I am redy and yare go we in fere
To that bright.
Lord, if thi wylles be,
we ar lewde all thre,
Thou grauntt vs somkyns gle
To comforth thi wight.

[They enter the stable.]
primus pastor.
hayll, comly and clene! hayll, yong child!
hayll, maker, as I meyne, of a madyn so mylde!
Thou has waryd, I weyne the warlo so wylde;
The fals gyler of teyn now goys he begylde.
lo, he merys;
lo, he laghys, my swetyng,
A welfare metyng,
I haue holden my hetyng;
haue a bob of cherys.

ijus pastor.
hayll, sufferan sauyoure! ffor thou has vs soght:
hayll, frely foyde and floure that all thyng has wroght!
hayll, full of fauoure that made all of noght!
hayll! I kneyll and I cowre. A byrd haue I broght
To my barne.
hayll, lytyll tyné mop!
of oure crede thou art crop:
I wold drynk on thy cop,
Lytyll day starne.

iijus pastor.
hayll, derlyng dere full of godhede!
I pray the be nere when that I haue nede.
hayll! swete is thy chere! my hart wold blede
To se the sytt here in so poore wede,
With no pennys.
hayll! put furth thy dall!
I bryng the bot a ball:
haue and play the with all,
And go to the tenys.


The fader of heuen god omnypotent,
That sett all on seuen, his son has he sent.
My name couth he neuen and lyght or he went.
I conceyuyd hym full euen thrugh myght as he ment,
And now is he borne.
he kepe you fro wo!
I shall pray hym so;
Tell furth as ye go,
And myn on this morne.

primus pastor.
ffarewell, lady so fare to beholde,
with thy childe on thi kne!

ijus pastor.
bot he lygys full cold.
lord, well is me now we go, thou behold.

iijus pastor.
ffor sothe all redy it semys to be told
full oft.

primus pastor.
what grace we haue fun.

ijus pastor.
Com furth, now ar we won.

iijus pastor.
To syng ar we bun:
let take on loft.

Explicit pagina Pastorum.