University of Virginia Library

The Argument of this Tragedie.

Megæra ONE OF THE Hellish furies raising vp Tantalus frō Hell, incited him to set mortall hatred betwene his two nephewes Thiestes, & Atreus being brothers, and raining as Kinges ouer Mycenæ by enterchangeable turnes, that is to witte Thiestes to raine the one yere, and Atreus the other. Now Atreus enraged with furie against his brother partly for defiling and deflouring his wife Ærope by pollicie, and partly for taking from him a Ram with a golden fleese, practised with his seruāt how to be reuēged of his brother. This Atreus therfore dissēblīg a reconciliation & inuiting Thyestes to Mycenæ secretly & vnknowē to him, set before hī at a banquet the flesh of his own childrē to eate. Afterward Atreus hauīg also geuē to his said brother ye bloud of his childrē in a goblet to drinke, did lastly cōmaūd the heads also to be brought in, at the doleful sight wherof Thiestes greatly lamēting knowīg yt he had eatē his owne childrē, was wonderfully anguished. But Atreus for that he had thus reuenged himselfe, toke the therin great pleasure and delectation.