University of Virginia Library



Our Author thinks 'tis not i'th power of Wit,
Invention, Art, nor Industrie, to fit
The several phantasies which in this age
With a predominant humour rule the Stage.
Some men cry out for Satyr, others chuse
Meerly to story to confine each Muse;
Most like no Play, but such as gives large birth
To that which they judiciously term mirth.
Nor wil the best works with their liking crown,
Except't be grac'd with part of foole or clown.
Hard and severe the task is then to write,
So as may please each various appetite.
Our Author hopes wel though, that in this Play,
He has endeavour'd so, he justly may
Gain liking from you all, unlesse those few
Who wil dislike, be't ne're so good, so new;
The rather Gentlemen, he hopes, cause I
Am a main Actor in this Tragedie:
You've grac'd me sometimes in another Sphear,
And I do hope you'l not dislike me here.