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The Second part of the troublesome Raigne of King Iohn

conteining the death of Arthur Plantaginet, the landing of Lewes, and the poysning of King Iohn at Swinstead Abbey
To the Gentlemen Readers.


To the Gentlemen Readers.

The changeles purpose of determinde Fate
Giues period to our care, or harts content,
When heauens fixt time for this or that hath end:
Nor can earths pomp or pollicie preuent
The doome ordained in their secret will.
Gentles we left King Iohn repleate with blisse
That Arthur liude, whom he supposed slaine;
And Hubert posting to returne those Lords,
Who deemd him dead, and parted discontent:
Arthur himselfe begins our latter Act.
Our Act of outrage, desprate furie, death;
Wherein fond rashnes murdreth first a Prince,
And Monkish falsnes poysneth last a King.
First Scene shews Arthurs death in infancie,
And last concludes Iohns fatall tragedie.