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The Troublesome Raigne of Iohn King of England

with the discouerie of King Richard Cordelions Base sonne (vulgarly named, The Bastard Fawconbridge) : also the death of King Iohn at Swinstead Abbey
To the Gentlemen Readers.


To the Gentlemen Readers.

You that with friendly grace of smoothed brow
Haue entertaind the Scythian Tamburlaine,
And giuen applause vnto an Infidel:
Vouchsafe to welcome (with like curtesie)
A warlike Christian and your Countreyman.
For Christs true faith indur'd he many a storme,
And set himselfe against the Man of Rome,
Vntill base treason (by a damned wight)
Did all his former triumphs put to flight,
Accept of it (sweete Gentles) in good sort,
And thinke it was preparde for your disport.