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4 occurrences of March
[Clear Hits]

Actus tertus.

4 occurrences of March
[Clear Hits]

Actus tertus.

Enter Lodowick and Lucibell.
Are you not faint diuinest Lucibell?

Noe, the cleare moone strowes siluer in our path,
And with her moist eyes weepes a gentle dew
Vpon the the spotted pauement of the earth,
Which softens euery flowre whereon I tread
Besides; all trauell in your company
Seemes but a walke made in some goodly bowre,
Where loues faire mother strips her paramoure.

This is the Chappell, and behold a banke,
Couer'd with sleeping flowers, that misse the Sunne:
Shall Wee repose vs till Mathias come?

The Hermet will soone bring him, let's sit downe
Nature, or art hath taught these boughes to spred,
In manner of an arbour o're the banke.

No, they bow downe as vailes to shadow you:
And the fresh flowers beguiled by the light
Of your celestiall eyes, open there leaues,
And when they entertaine the lord of day
You bring them comfort like the Sunne in May.

Come come, you men will flatter beyond meane:
Will you sit downe? and talke of the late wronge
Intended by the Duke of Prussia?

Fairest forget it, leaue till we are cleare freed hence,
I will defie him, and cause all the knights
Assembled for our purpos'd turnament,
To turne there keene swords 'gainst his catiue head.

Prithee no more, I feele thy blood turne hot,
And wrath inflames thy spirit, let it cease;
Forgiue this fault, conuert this war to peace.

O breath sweet touch with what a heauenly charme
Doe your soft fingers my war-thoughts disarme,
Prussia had reason to attempt my life
Inchanted by the magicke of these lookes,
That cast a luster on the blushing starrs.
Pardon chast Queene of beauty, make me proude
To rest my toild head on your tender knee,
My chin with sleepe is to my bosome bow'd;

Faire if you please a little rest with mee.

No, ile be Centinell; ile watch for feare
Of venomous wormes, or wolues, or woluish theeues:
My hand shall fanne your eyes, like the film'd winge
Of drowsie morpheus; and my voyce shall sing
In a low compasse for a Lucibell.
Sleepe sweete, perhaps ile sleepe for company.

I thanke you; I am drowsie, sing I pray;
Or sleepe: doe what you please, I am heauy, I;
God night to all our care: oh! I am blest
By this soft pillow where my head doth rest.
Hee sleepes.
By my troth I am sleepy too: I cannot sing,
My heart is troubled with some heauy thing.
Rest one these violets, whilst I prepare,
In thy soft slumber to receiue a share:
Blush not chast Moone to see a virgin lie
So neere a Prince, 'tis noe immodestie:
For when the thoughts are pure, noe time, noe place,
Hath power to worke faire chastities disgrace;
Lodowick I claspe thee thus, so arme clip arme,
So sorrow fold them that wish true loue harme.

Enter Lorrique, Mathias, Clois Hoffman.
Art sure tha'st found them?

Looke, are these they?

Adulterer: strumpet.



Vnhumane deede to kill both.

Both haue abus'd our glory, both shall bleed,

how now! what haue ye done? my Lodowick bleeds
Some sauage beast hath fixt his ruthles fange
In my soft body: Lodowick I faint,

Deere wake; my Lodowick: alas what meanes
Your brest to be thus wet? I'st blood or sweat?

Who troubles me?


Who is that? Mathias.

I, accursed I,

Wher's the good Hermet? thanke him for his loue
Yet tell him; Ferdinand of Prussia
Hath a long arme; some murderer of his
hath kild vs sleeping.

Kild thee? oh no! I trust the carefull destinies deny
So hard a fate: 'tis I alone am kild.
Come Lodowick, and close vp my night-vaild eies
That neuer may agen behold the day.

What meanes Mathias?

He offers to Kill himselfe.
Hold me not Prince Otho.
I will reuenge my selfe vpon my selfe:
For Parricide for damned parricide:
I haue kild my brother sleeping in the armes
Of the diuinest forme that e're held breath.
I haue kild loues Queene defac't with my foule hand,
The goodliest frame that euer nature built
And driuen the graces from the mansion
Wherein they haue continued from their birth;
She now being dead, shee'l dwell no more on earth.

What mooued you to it brother?

Iealous rage, suspition by Prince Otho,
That Lucibell had fled with a base Greeke,
Oh me accursed! I am borne to shame.

But I am wretcheder, that from the loue
Deuoted to the house of Saxony,
Haue thus begot this monster cruelty:
I lay within an arbour, whence I saw
The princesse, and your selfe in this disguise
Departing secretly my vncles court:

I iudg'd you for a Greeke as you appear'd.
Told Prince Mathias of your secret flight;
And hee led on by fury followed you
Where thus deceased by night and your attire,
Hath rob'd your heart of life, his owne of ioy.

Forgiue me brother, pardon fairest maide,
And ere the icy hand of ashie death
Fold your faire bodies in this sable vaile;
Discouer why you put on this disguise.

To scape the lustfull Duke of Prussia,
Who purpos'd this night to murder me,
And rauish her whom death hath made his pray
My Lucibell, whose lights are mask't with clouds
That neuer will be cleard.

My vncle, fie, who buz'd into your head
This damned lie?

it's no lie.

Noe lie: 'tis true, 'tis true,
The reuerent Hermet Rodorick told it vs.

The Hermet is a villaine damn'd in hell
Before the worlds creation, if he sai't
My Princely vncle purpos'd such a thought.
Looke to the Princesse, ther's life in her:
Cheere vp your heart Prince Lodowicke, courage man.
Your being of comfort may recouer her,
While I bring forth the Hermet and disprooue
This false assertion: Rodorick is a slaue
A vile and irreligious hypocrite,
No Hermet, but a diuell if he dare
Affirme such falshood of Duke Ferdinand.

Enter Rodorigo, Saxony, and Austria.
Rodorick is not as you report him sir,
Nor did he ere belie Duke Ferdinand.

No did? why then did you maliciously

Aduise Prince Lodowick and faire Lucibell
To flie the Prussian court this dismall night.

Who I? I spake not with them,

Yes ye did.

Where was it that he spake with you? tell vs where?

At Dantzike in the Duke of Prussias court.

Who heard him besides you?

The Princesse Lucibell.

As heauen shall helpe my fleeting soule, I did.

why speakes my dukedomes hope in hollow sounds?
Looke vp fayre child heer's Saxony and I
Thy father, Lucibella looke on me;
I am not angry that thou fled'st away
But come to grace thy nuptials; prithee speake.

Father I thanke you: Lodowick reach me thy hand
How cold thou art; death now assailes our hearts,
Hauing triumph't ouer the outward parts;
Farewell a while, we die but part, to meete
Where ioyes are certaine, pleasures endlesse, sweet.
Father, this latest boone of you I craue,
Let him, and me, lie in one bed, and graue.

Oh me! oh miserable wretched me.


Houer a little longer blessed soule,
glide not away too fast: mine now forsaks his earthly mansion
and on hopes gilt wings will gladly mount with thine,
where Angels sing celestiall ditties to the King of Kings.
brother adew, your rashnesse I forgiue, pardon me father,
pardon; Austria your daughter is become a bride for death:
the dismall euen before her wedding day. Hermet God
pardon thee: thy double tongue hath caus'd this errour:
but in peace farewell. Hee that lifts vs to Heauen keepe
thee from Hell.

Oh strange coniecture! what should moue this Prince
To charge me with such horrid cruelty?

Ile tell thee hypocrite.

Stay Mathias stay,
It is thy vncle Rodorigo, and besides,
My honor and Duke Austria's shall bee gag'd,
He neuer parted from our company in his owne hermitage
Since day declinde, and glimmering twilight vsher'd in the night.

Not from his hermitage?

Noe not he.

I'st possible?

By Heauen he did not.

Then there is villany, practice, and villainy
Mathias hath bin wrong'd and drawne to kill
His naturall brother, with him to destroy
The rarest peece of natures workmanship,
No doubt by practize and base villany
The Hermet not at court? strange! wondrous!

Oh for my sonne, and Austria's worthy childe.

Thou weep'st in scorne, and very teare of thine
Couers a smile: Saxony, I defie
All truce, all league of loue, guard thee prowd Duke;
Thy sonnes haue made me childlesse; Ile haue thee
Consort in death with my wrong'd girle and mee.

Helpe Prince Mathias: Hermet, oh the Heauens!
The Austrian Duke sinkes downe vpon the earth.

Proud Iohn of Saxony: ha'st thou no wound?

Not any Austria; neither toucht I thee.

Somebody toucht me home: vaine world farewell
Dying I fall on my dead Lucibell.

Sir what are you that take on you to parte?
It's by your weapon that the Duke is falne.

If I thought so, i'de fall vpon the point,
But I am innocent of such an ill:
Kill my good kinsman, Duke of Austria;
Then were Prince Otho of Luningberg set downe
In sad dispaires blacke booke to raue and die,
But I am free from such impiety.

Are you Prince Otho of Luningberg?

He is, and heire apparent to Duke Ferdinand

May be the Moone deceaues me, and my grief
As well in the distinguishing of sounds,
As sight: I haue heard of young Luningberg,
And seene him to at Hoffmans ouerthrow,
He lookt not like you, neither spake like you.

Father, 'tis he: Lorrique his man attends him,
That fellow which is all compos'd of mirth
Of mirth? of death: why should I thinke of mirth
After so foule a murder? come lend hands
To giue this Princely body funerall rites,
That I may sacrifice this hand and heart
For my peace-offerings on theyr sepulchers.

Nay, boy, thou shall not leaue old Saxony
Childles for all this sorrow: Prince, and if Otho
Helpe in my son with noble Austria,
Lodowick shalbe my burden: brother yours
The louely but the lucklesse Lucibell.
So treade a heauy measure; now lets goe
To interre the dead, our hearts being dead with woe.

Exeunt carrying the dead bodies
Ther's life in Lucibell, for I feele
(Rodo. last with Lucibell.
A breath, more odoriferous then balme
Thirle through the corrall porals of her lipps,
Apparent signes of life, her pulses beate;
Oh if I could but yet recouer her,
T'would satisfie the State of Austria,
That else would be disturb'd for want of heires
Heauen be propitious, guide my artlesse hand,
To preserue fainting life in this cleare forme.
Graunt this thou soule of all Diuinity,
And I will striue what euer mortall may
Enter Hoffman and Saxony.
To serue thee on my knees both night and day,
Tarry Prince Otho and see theyr bodies balm'd,

I pray you thinke me not in passion dull;
I must withdraw, and weepe, my heart is full.
Oh reuerent man, thou bearst the richest fruite;
That euer fell in the vnripired spring,
Goe lay her soft, she had ill fate to fall;
But rich or faire or strong, death swallowes all,
Hola! Lorrique, leaue our horse; draw neere.
Enter Lorrique.
Helpe me to sing a hymne vnto the fates
Compos'd of laughing interiections.

Why my good Lord? what accidents
Haue chanc't, that tickle so your spleene?

Oh my deere selfe: thou trusty treasurer of my reuenge,
Kneele downe, and at my bidding kisse the earth;
And on her cold eare whisper this strict charge:
That she prouide the best of her perfumes,
The fat of Lambs rap't from the bleating Ewes,
The sweet oft smelling wood she can deuise;
For I must offer vp a sacrifice,
To blest occasion that hath seconded
With opportune meanes my desire of wreake;

Now I haue kis't the earth, let me pertake
In your great ioy, that seemes to exceed.
Are Lodowick, and the Princesse murder'd?

Tis done, goe, hie thee to Prince Ferdinand;
Tell him how misaduenture and mistrust
Hath kild Prince Lodowick and bright Lucibell:
By Prince Mathias hand: adde to that chaunce,
Another vnexpected accident:
Say that the Dukes of Austria and Saxony,
Being by the Hermet Rodorick intertain'd,
And hearing outcries in the dead of night,
Came and beheld the tragick spectacle,
Which sight did so inrage the Austrian Duke,
That he, assail'd the Saxon, but fell slaine,

On his pale daughter, now defloured by death.

Is Austria then slaine by Saxony?

Come, come, hee's dead, eyther by him or me,
Noe matter, hee's gone: ther's more to goe.
Runne with the newes; away.

Enter Stilt, and a rabble of poore souldiers: old Stilt his father, with his scarfe like a Captaine. A scuruy marcb.
Father, set you the army in qeraye, while I inuocate:
The Generall Foulkes: Fibs, for man, and
Friends all, Officers ail, helpe to marshall; Prince
Ierom my Lord shall remunerate that, is shall be
Full of thankesgiuing, while nature is able to

Nourish, or sustayne; Father you haue order to stay the
rest, be sententious, and full of circumstance I aduise you;
and remember this, that more then mortality fights on
our side; For we haue treason and iniquity to maintayne
our quarrell.

Old Stilt.

Hah! what say'st my sonne? treason and iniquity?


Reason, and equity I meant Father; ther's little
controuersity in the words: but like a Captaine couragious,
I pray goe forward, remember the place you are, in noe
more, but this; the dayes of old, no more, but that; and
the glory Father; Knighthood at least, to the vtter defacing
of you and your posterity, Noe more but foe.

O. Stilt.

Well, goe thy waies: thou art able to put fire
into a Flint stone; thou hast as rheumatique a tongue to

perswade as any is betweene Pole and Pomer; but thou art
euen kitt after kind, I am thy father, and was infamous
for my exprobations, to discourage a dissembly of tall
souldiers afore thou wert borne, and I haue made them
stand to it tooth and nayle; how say you, most valiant and
reprobate Country men: haue ye not heard I haue bin a
stinger, a tickler, a wormer.


Yes; noble, ancient Captaine Stilt, ye haue remou'd
mens hearts I haue heard that of my father (God
rest his soule,) when yee were but one of the common all
souldiers that seru'd old Sarloys in Norway.

O. Stilt.

I then was, and Sarloys was; a gentleman wou'd
not haue giuen his head for the washing; but hee is cut
of, as all valiant caualeroes shall; and they be no more negligent
of themselues; But to the purpose: wee are dissembled
together, and falne into battayle beray in the behalfe
Prince Ierom a vertuous Prince, a wise Prince, and a most
respectlesse Prince; my son Timothies master, and the vnlawfull
heire of this land. Now sir the old Duke has put out
a declamation, and saies our rising is noe other then a resurrection,
for the Prince inspires not against his father;
but the Duke inspires against his son, vsing him most naturally,
charitably, and abhominably, to put him from intercession
of the crowne; wherefore as yee bee true men,
and obstinate subiects to the State vncouer your heads, and
cast vp your caps and cry a Ierom, a Ierom,


A Ierom, a Ierom, a Ierom.

Enter Ierom, and Stilt.

Most noble Countrymen I cannot but condole in
ioy, and smile in teares to see you assembled in my right,
but this is the lamentation that I poore Prince must
make, who for my fathers proclamation am like for to

loose my head; except you stand to mee, for they are comming
on with bowes, bills, and guns, against vs: but if
you be valiant, and stand to me lustily, all th'earth shall roare
but wee'l haue victory.

Enter with Drum, and Colours, Duke Ferdinand, Hoffman Lorrique, Captaine to leade the drum the souldiers  march next hit and make a stand; All on Ieroms side cast vp their caps and cry a Ierom.
Vpon those traytors valiant gentlemen:
Let not that beast the multitude confront,
With garlicke-breath and then confused cries
The Maiesty of me their awfull Duke,
Strike their Typhoean body downe to fire
That dare 'gainst vs, their soueraigne conspire.

Come, come, you shall haue your hands full, and you
Come where we haue to doe, stand to it Stilt.


stand to't? heer's the father and the son will stand,
though all the rest flie away.

O Stilt.

I warrant you Prince, when the battaile comes
to ioyning, my son and I will bee inuisible, and they ouercome
vs, ile giue you leaue to say I haue no pith in me; vpon
vm true Prince vpon vm.

An Alarum: Hoffman kneeles betweene the Armies.
I thought twou'd come to that;
I thought we shou'd bring
The false Prince on his knees.


What meanes my Dukedomes hope to turne thus
base? arise, and smite thy foes.

I see them not my most honor'd vncle; pittie I beseech
These silly people, that offend as babes,
Not vnderstanding, how they doe offend:
And suffer me chiefe agent in this wrong,
To plead their pardons with a peacefull tongue.


We scorne pardons, Peace and pitty; wee'l
haue a Prince of our owne chusing, Prince Ierom.

O. Stilt.

I, I, Prince Ierom or no body; be not obstacle old
Duke, let not your owne flesh and blood bee inherited of
your Dukedome, and a stranger displac'd in his retority:
for and you doe, wee will take no comparison of you and
your army, but fall vpon you like temperance and lightning.

Vpon your perill; gentlemen assayle.

If any bosome meete the brunt of war,
Mine shall be first oppos'd; these honest men
That rise in armes for my young Cozens right
Shall be Protected whil'st Prince Charles can stand.

Why see now what a thing Maiesty is;
Stilt and the rest of my good people; my couzen
Charles looking but in the face of our excellence
Cannot choose but take our parte.

Nay but trust him not my Lord; take heed of him,
Aware your enemies at any hand.

Why should you make this intercession
For these base abiects, whose presumptuous hearts
Haue drawne their rebell bodies 'gainst their head:
Intreat not for them, they are all but dead.

Forbeare a little worthy Countrymen.


Nay we deny that, we are none of your Countrymen;
you are an arrant arrant Alien.

O. Stilt.

True son a mere peregrination, and one that was not
borne within our Dukes damnation, and therefore not to
be remitted to any vpstantiall degree of office amongst vs:
that's the fine, that's the confusion of all.


But heare mee.


I, I, pray heare him; nay I charge you all vpon paine
of death that you heare my cozen.


he Well wee will are him: come on, speake, what
will yee say?

O I beseech you saue your liues and goods,

For the Dukes squadrons arm'd with wrath and death,
Watch but the signall when to ceaze on you,
That can noe more withstand their approoued strengthes
Then sparrowes can contend with towring hawks:
Or 'gainst the Eagles ayery:
This act of yours by gathering to a head,
Is treason capitall, and without grace
Your liues are forfeit to extreamest law.

O Stilt.
Mas he saies true son; but what's the remedy?


None at all father, now wee are in, wee must goe
through stitch.

Yes, there is remedy: cast your weapons downe,
And arme your selues with mercy of your Prince
Who like a gracious shepheard ready stands
To take his lost sheepe home in gentle hands.
As for your Prince, I will for him intreat
That he may be restor'd againe in loue,
And vnto offices of dignity, as eythet Taster,
Sewer, Cupbearer, the place himselfe thinkes
Fittest for his state, and for my part when
That vnhappy time of Princely Ferdinands
Sad death shall, come:—
Which moment:—
But should I as I say behold that houre,
Although I am elected for your Prince,
Yet would I not remooue this gentleman,
But rather serue him as his councellor.


Giue me your hand of that Cozen; well sayd, now
get a pardon for mee, and my merry men all; and then let
me be my fathets Taster, being the office belonging to his
eldest sonne; I Being the same, and then you shall see mee
behaue my selfe, not as a rebell, or reprobate, but as a most
reasonable Prince, and sufficient subiect.


Well since my Lord ha's sayd the word, bring that
of spake he to passe and ye shall haue my word too, and old
Stilt my fathers, being a man of good reproch I tell you,

and condemnation in his country.

O. Stilt.

I that I am my Lord, I haue liu'd in name and shame
these threescore and seuen winters, all my neighbours can
beare me testament, and accord.

Well, rest yee quiet, Soueraigne on my knees
I beg your Highnes graunt to there request:
Suppose them silly, simple, and your owne;
To shed their blood were iust, yet rigorous,
The praise of Kings is to prooue gracious.

True soule of honor substance of my selfe,
Thy merit wins thee mercy, goe in peace,
Lay by your vniust armes, liue by your sweate,
And in content the bread of quiet eate.

God saue Duke Ferdinand.

Pray Father, forgiue me, and my man,
And my mans father by our single selues;
For we haue bin the capitall offendors.

O. Stilt.
I truely my Lord, we rais'd the resurrection,

I pardon all; giue thee my Tasters place:
Honor this Prince that hath thus won you grace.

O: S., Y-S.
God saue Duke Ferdinand, and Prince Otho.

I and me too.

O. Stilt.

And Prince Ierom too; well son, ile leaue thee a
Courtier still, and get mee home to my owne desolation,
where ile labour to compell away excessity: and so fare yee

This busines ouer: worthy nephew Charles,
Let vs goe visit the sad Saxon Duke,
The mourning Hermet,
That through affection wrought his brothers fall.

Ile wait your Highnes to that house of woe,
Where sad mischance sits in a purple chayre,
And vnderneath her beetle cloudy browes
Smiles at vnlockt for mischiefes; oh there

Doth griefe vnpainted, in true shape appeare.

Shrill trumpets sound a flourish
For the cryes of war are drownd.

Nay but cozen cozen, i'st not necessary I wait
Vpon myne owne father? and Stilt vpon me?

It's most expedient, be obsequious.
Noe doubt his excellence will like that well.

Enter Lorrique like a French Doctor.
Dieu vou guard Mounsieur.

Welcome my friend, ha'st any suit to me?

Away Mounsieur, if you be the grand Prince
Legitimate of Prussia, I haue for tendre
To your Excellence de service of one poore
Gentle home of Champaigne.

I am not he you looke for gentlemen,
My cozen is the true and lawfull Prince.

I sir I am the legitimate, and am able to entertayne
A gentleman though I say't and he be of any quality.

Lorrique, now or neuer play thy part:
This Act is euen our Tragedies best hart.

Let me alone for plots, and villany,
Onely commend me to this foole the Prince.

I tell thee, I am the Prince, my cozen knowes it,
That's my cozen, this is Stilt my man.

A vostree seruice Mounsieur most Genereux.

Noe doubt he is some cunning gentleman
Your Grace may doe a deede befitting you
To entertaine this stranger.


It shall be done cozen; ile talke with him a little
And follow you, goe commend me to my father
Tell him I am comming, and Stilt, and this stranger, bee
mindfull cozen, as you will answere to my Princely indignation.

Well sir, I will be carefull, neuer doubt;
Now scarlet Mistris from thicke sable clouds
Thrust forth thy blood-staind hands, applaud my plot,
That giddy wonderers may amazed stand
While death smytes downe suspectles Ferdinand.


Sweet Prince I scarce vnderstand this fellow well,
but I like his conceit in not trusting Prince Otho; you must
giue him the remooue that's flat.


I be, gar, hee be chose agen you, hee giue you good
worde so be dat, but he will haue one fisgig or dia by gar
for company on in principality be no possible.


Well, I apprehend thee, I haue a certaine Princely
feeling in my selfe that he loues me not.


Hold yee there my Lord, I am but a poore fellow
and haue but a simple liuing left me; yet my brother were
he a very naturall brother of mine owne, should hee bee
dopted, I would dopt him, and herrite him, i'le fit him.


I but how Stilt, but how?


By gar my Lord, I will tell you fine knacks, for make
him kicke vp his heeles, and cry wee, or be gar
I be hange, and so shall I be to, and for de grand loue I beare
you, for de Lady Issabella's sake your most tres-excellent
Lady moder.


Didst, thou know her French doctor? didst thou?


I as beggars doe the Ladies that are their Almesgigiuers.


By gar you lye, like Iacknape, I loue de Lady.
With a boone cœur, and for her sake here take dis same, and
dis same, put dis in de cup, where de competitor Prince
Otho shall drinke; by gar it will poyson him brauely.


That were excellent my Lord, and it could be done,
and noe body know on't.


I, but he alwaies drinkes in my Fathers cup.


I so let be, let de Duke drinke a de same.


What poyson my father? noe, I like not that so well.


You shall drinke too, and I too, and when wee bee
sicke, as we shall haue a petit rumble in de belly; dan take a
dis same, and giue your fadra dis: but your cozin none of
it, and by gar noe body shall be dead, and kicka, and cry oh,
but Otho.


That's excellent, master.


This is the poyson then, and this is the medicine?


I dat be true.


Well Phisitian, attend in my chamber heere, till Stilt
and I returne; and if I pepper him not, say I am not worthy
to be cald a Duke, but a drawlatch.


Farewell awe, and iebbit a vow; and wee speede by
thy practice wee'l crush a cup of thine owne country

Goe speede to spoyle your selues:
Doctor lie there, Lorrique; like thy selfe appeare
So now ile post vnto the Hermitage, and smile
While silly fooles act treason through my guile.
