University of Virginia Library

Scena. 2.

Promos alone.
By proofe I finde, no reason cooles desire,
Cassandraes sute, suffised to remoue
My lewde request, but contrarie, the fire,
Hir teares inflam'd, of lust, and filthy Loue.
And hauing thus, the conquest in my handes,
No prayer seru'de to worke restraint in mee:
But needes I woulde vntye the precious bandes,
Of this fayre Dames spotles Uirginitie.
The spoyle was sweete, and wonne euen as I woulde,
And yet vngainde, tyll I had giuen my trothe,
To marie hir, and that hir brother shoulde
Be free from death, all which I bounde with oathe:
It resteth nowe (vnlesse I wrong hir much)
I keepe my vowe: and shall Andrugio lyue?
Such grace woulde mee, with vnindifferencie tuch.
To pardon him, that dyd commit a Rape,
To set him free, I to Cassandra sware:
But no man else, is priuie to the same,
And rage of Loue, for thousande oathes nyll spare,
More then are kept, when gotten is the game.
Well, what I sayde, then Louer like I sayde,
Nowe reason sayes, vnto thy credite looke:
And hauing well, the circumstaunces wayde,
I finde I must, vnsweare the oathe I tooke:
But double wrong, I so should do Cassandra.
No force for that, my might, commaundeth right,
Hir preuie maime, hir open cryes will staye:
Or if not so, my frowning will hir fright,
And thus shall rule, conceale my filthy deede.
Nowe foorthwith, I wyll to the Gayler sende,
That secretelie Andrugio he behead,
Whose head he shall, with these same wordes commend.

To Cassandra, as Promos promist thee,
From prison loe, he sendes thy Brother free.