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A right excellent and famous Comoedy called the three Ladies of London

Wherein is notablie declared and set foorth, how by the meanes of Lucar, Loue and Conscience is so corrupted, that the one is married to Dissimulation, the other fraught withall abhomination. A perfect patterne for all Estates to looke into, and a worke right worthie to be marked

The first Acte.

The first Acte.

Enter Fame sounding before Loue and Conscience.
Lady Conscience, what shall we say to our estates, to whome shall we complaine?
Or how shall we abridge such fates, as heapeth vp our paine?
Tis Lucar now that rules the rout, tis she is all in all:
Tis she that holds her head so stout, in fine tis she that workes our fall.
Oh Conscience, I feare, I feare a day,
That we by her and vsurie, shall quite be cast away.

In deed I feare the worst, for euerie man doth sewe,
And comes from cuntreyes straunge and farre, of her to haue a vewe.
Although they ought to seeke true Loue and Conscience cleare:
But Loue and Conscience few do like, that leane on Lucars chaire.
Men ought be ruld by vs, we ought in them beare sway:
So should ech neighbour liue by other, in good estate alway.

For Lucar men come from Italy, Barbary, Turky,
From Iury: nay the Pagan himselfe,
Indaungers his bodie to gape for her pelfe.
They forsake mother, Prince, Countrey, Religion, kiffe and kinne,
Nay men care not what they forsake, so Lady Lucar they winne.
That we poore Ladies may sigh to see, our states thus turned and tost,
And worse and worse is like to be, where Lucar rules the rost.

You say the truth, yet God I trust will not admit it so:
That Loue and Conscience by Lucars lust, shall catch an ouerthrow.

Good Ladies rest content, and you no doubt shall see,
Them plagued with painefull punishment for such their crueltie.
And if true Loue and Conscience liue, from Lucars lust lasciuious:
Then Fame a triple crowne will giue, which lasteth aye victorious.

God graunt that Conscience keepe within the bounds of right:
And that vile Lucar do not daunt, her heart with deadly spight.

And grant O God that Loue be found in Citie, Towne, and Cuntry,
Which causeth wealth and peace abound, and pleaseth God almightie.

But Ladies, ist your pleasure to walke abroad a while,
And recreate your selues with measure your sorrowes to beguile.

Passe on good Fame, your steppes do frame, on you we will attend,
And pray to God that holds the rod, our states for to defend.
