University of Virginia Library


Incipit Actus Quartus

[Enter Evangelium.]
Unfaythfulnesse hath corrupted every lawe
To the gret decaye of Adams posteryte;
Were it nott for me, whych now do hyther drawe,
All flesh wolde perysh, no man shuld saved be.
I am Christes Gospell, and infallyble veryte;
Soch a power of God as saveth all that beleve,
No burdene nor yoke that any man wyll greve.
In the bloude of Christ I am a full forgevenesse,
Where fayth is grounded with a sure confydence.
I am soch a grace, and so hygh tydynges of gladnesse
As rayse the synner and pacyfye hys conscyence.
I am sprete and lyfe; I am necessarye scyence.
I requyre but love for mannys justyfycatyon,
With a fayth in Christ for hys helth and salvacyon.

[Enter Infidelitas.]
Gods beneson have ye! It is joye of your lyfe.
I have hearde of ye, and of my mastres your wyfe.

If thu heardest of me, it was by the voyce of God.

Naye, he that spake of ye was sellynge of a cod
In an oyster bote, a lyttle beyonde Quene Hythe;
A northen man was he, and besought ye to be blythe.

If he spake of me he was some godly preacher.

Naye ser, by the roode, nor yet a wholsom teacher.

After what maner ded he speake of me?—tell.

He swore lyke a man, by all contententes of the Gospell;
He swore and better swore, yea, he ded sweare and sweare agayne.

That speakynge is soch as procureth eternall payne.
Wyll not the people leave that most wycked folye,
And it so dampnable? To heare it I am sorye.
But what dedyst thu meane whan thu spakest of my wyfe?

Nothynge; but I thought it was joye of your lyfe
That ye were so good to your neybers as ye are.

Why, how good am I? Thy fantasye declare.

Ye ease them amonge, if it be as I heare;
Whan ye are abroade there is fyne myry cheare.

As thu art, thu speakest, after thy hartes abundaunce,


For as the man is, soch is hys utteraunce.
My wyfe is the church, or christen congregacyon,
Regenerate in sprete, doynge no vyle operacyon;
Both cleane and holy, without eyther spott or wryncle
The lambe with hys bloude ded her wash and bespryncle.
Thys is not the church of dysgysed hypocrytes,
Of apysh shavelynges, or papystycall sodomytes;
Nor yet, as they call it, a temple of lyme and stone,
But a lyvysh buyldynge, grounded in fayth alone,
On the harde rocke Christ whych is the sure foundacyon:
And of thys church some do reigne in every nacyon,
And in all contrayes though their nombre be but small.

Their nomber is soch as hath ronne over all;
The same Danes are they men prophecy of playne,
Whych shuld over ronne thys realme yet ones agayne.

What Danes speakest thu of? Thy meanynge shewe more clerlye.

Dane Johan, Dane Robert, Dane Thomas, and Dane Harrye;
These same are those Danes that laye with other mennys wyves,
And occupyed their landes to the detryment of their lyves.
These are accounted a great part of the churche,
For in Gods servyce they honourablye wurche,
Yellynge and cryenge tyll their throtes are full sore.

That church was descrybed of Esaye longe afore:
‘Thys people,’ sayth God, ‘with ther lyppes honour me,’
In vayne worshyp they, teachynge mennys fatuyte.
Apparaunt is that church and open to the eyes;
Their worshyppynges are in outwarde ceremonyes.
That counterfet church standeth al by mennys tradycyons,
Without the scriptures and without the hartes affeccyons.
My church is secrete and evermore wyll be,
Adorynge the Father in sprete and in veryte.
By the worde of God thys church is ruled onlye,
And doth not consyst in outwarde ceremonye.
Thys congregacyon is the true church mylytaunt;
Those counterfet desardes are the very church malygnaunt,
To whom Christ wyll saye, ‘I knowe non of your sort.’

Moch are they to blame that ther bretherne so report.

Soch are no bretherne, but enemyes to Christes blode,
As put salvacyon in shaven crowne, mytar or whode.

I praye ye, how longe have your swete spowse contynued?

Sens the begynnynge, and now is in Christ renued:


Adam had promyse of Christes incarnacyon,
So had Abraham with hys whole generacyon
Whych was unto them a preachynge of the Gospell
Into salvacyon and delyveraunce from hell.

By thys tyme I hope ye have a fayre increase?

She is not barren, but beareth, and never cease.
The Corinthes first epystle hath thys clere testymony:
‘In Christo Jesu per Evangelium vos genui—
I have begote yow in Jesu Christ,’ sayth Powle,
‘By the Gospel preachynge to the confort of your sowle.’

Than are ye a cuckolde, by the blessed holy masse!
As I sayd afore, so cometh it now to passe,
For I am a prophete by hygh inspiracyon led.
Now lyke I my self moch better than I ded.
Ye sayt that Saynt Paule begate your wyfe with chylde!

By mysunderstandynge thu art ungracyously begylde.
An only mynyster was Paule in that same doynge;
That he therin ded was by the Gospell preachynge.
Hys mynde is the Gospell to have done that operacyon,
And thys must thu holde for no carnall generacyon.

Marry, so they saye, ye fellawes of the newe lernynge
Forsake holy church, and now fall fast to wyvynge.

Naye, they forsake whoredome with other dampnable usage,
And lyve with their wyves in lawfull marryage
Whyls the Popes oyled swarme raigne styll in their olde buggerage.

Yea, poore marryed men have very moch a do;
I counte hym wysest that can take a snatche and to go.

Thu semest one of them that detesteth matrymonye,
Whych is afore God a state both just and holye.
Of soch as thu art Saynt Paule ded prophecye,
By the Holy Ghost that a serten cumpanye
In the latter dayes from the truth of God shuld fall,
Attendynge to spretes of errour dyabolycall:
Whych in hypocresy wyll teache lyes for advauntage
With marked conscyences inhybytynge marryage.
Thu aperest by thy frutes to be Infydelyte.

I am non other but even the very he,
And hyther now come I to commen the matter with ye.

Avoyde, cursed fynde, and get the out at the gates!

Naye, first wyll I serve ye as I lately served your mates;
And hens wyll I not, for thys place is for me.
Who shuld here remayne but Infydelyte?


Well than for a tyme I must depart from hens.
But thys first wyll I saye before thys audyens:
Easyer wyll it be concernynge ponnyshment
To Sodom and Gomor in the daye of judgement,
Than to those cyties that resyst the veryte
At the suggestyons of Infydelyte.
That people wyll be for ever and ever lost,
For it is the great synne agaynst the Holy Ghost.
In the olde lawe first the Father hys mynde exprest;
Than came hys sonne Christ and made it more manyfest;
And now the Holy Ghost is come to close up all—
If he be not heard, extreme dampnacyon wyll fall.
No prayer remayneth, nor expyacyon for synne
To them that no profyght of the worde of God wyll wynne.
Take good hede therfor, and saye that ye have warnyng.

God sende your mother of yow to have a fondelynge!
By the masse, I thynke he is wele out of the waye.
Now wyll I contryve the dryft of another playe.
I must worke soch wayes Christes lawe maye not contynue.
In a whyle am I lyke to have non els of my retynue.
Companyons I want to begynne thys tragedye;
Namely False Doctryne, and hys brother Hypocresye.
They wyll not be longe, I suppose now verelye—
By cockes sowle, me thynke I se soch a cumpanye.
Hem, I saye! Chyldren, wyll not my voyce be hearde?
As good is a becke as is a dewe vow garde.
By my honestie, welcome, myne owne companyons both!

Intrant [Pseudodoctrina and Hypocrisis.]
Thu shalt sure have a lyvery of the same cloth ...
Gramercyes, by God, my olde frynde Infydelyte!

What, brother Snyp Snap, how go the wor[l]de with the?

What, fryre Flyp Flap, how saye ye to Benedicite?

Marry, nothynge but well, for I crye now advauntage.

At her purse or arse? Tell me, good fryre Succage.

By the messe, at both, for I am a great penytensar,
And syt at the pardon. Tush, I am the Popes owne vycar;
If thu lackest a pece, I knowe where thu mayst be sped
With c[h]oyse of a score, and brought even to thy bed.

Art thu not ashamed to talke so lyke a knave?

No, for it is soch gere as the holyest of us wyll have;
Pope, cardynall, byshop, monke, chanon, prest, and fryre,
Not one of ye all but a woman wyll desyre.


Our orders permyt us not to have them in marryage.

No, but ye fatche them in by an other carryage:
Ye do even as we do; we both are of one rate.

By the messe, I laugh to heare thys whoreson prate.

What fashyon use ye? —to us here intymate.

Ego distinguo whether ye wyll have Lyons or Parys.

Of them both to shewe, it wyll not be farre amys.

In Parys we have the mantell of Saynt Lewes
Whych women seke moch for helpe of their barennes;
For be it ones layed upon a womannys bellye,
She go thens with chylde, the myracles are seane there daylye.
And besydes all thys, ye wolde marvele in confessyon
What our fathers do to assoyle them of transgressyon.
Johan Thessecclius assoyled a yonge woman ones
Behynde the hygh aulter tyll she cryed out of her bones.
And as for Lyons, there is the length of our Lorde
In a great pyller. She that wyll with a coorde
Be fast bounde to it and take soch chaunce as fall
Shall sure have chylde, for within it is hollowe all.
Tush, I coulde tell ye of moch more wondre than this;
In course to heare them I thynke ye wolde ye blys.

As thu hast begunne, go forewarde in it and tell.

Soch a knave, I suppose, is not from hens to hell.

In our relygyon was an holye popysh patryarke
Whych of all bawdrye myght be the great monarke;
The nonnes to confesse he went from place to place,
And two hondred of them he broached in that space.
Many spyces he eate hys currage to provoke;
Soch a fellawe was he as of that gere had the stroke.

Now somwhat wyll I tell to confirme thy tale withall.
In Kynge Ferdynands tyme in Spayne was a cardynall,
Petrus Mendoza was the very man that I meane.
Of lemans he had great nombre besydes the quene.
One of hys bastardes was earle, an other was duke,
Whom also he abused and thought it no rebuke.
Joannes Cremona, an other good cardynall,
For reformacyon of the clergye spyrituall
Came ones into Englande to dampne prestes matrymonye,
And the next nyght after was taken doynge bytcherye.
Doctor Eckius also whych fearcely came to dyspute
In Lipsia with Luther, myndynge there hym to confute
For marryage of prestys, thre chyldren had that yeare.
By thys maye ye se that sumtyme we make mery cheare.


Marry, that ye do; I shall beare ye recorde now:
But how wyll ye answere for breakynge of your vow?

We never breake vowe so longe as we do not marrye,
Though we in whoredome be never so bolde and busye.

By your order than ye maye walke moch at large.
What hast thu, Hypocresye to laye for thy dyscharge?

Saynt Frances habyte with the holy gyrdle and whode;
Non can go to helle that therin dye, by the rode;
In case Saynt Frances be sure upon their syde,
Els maye they fortune to be of their purpose wyde.
For I reade of one that shuld have gone to the devyll
But the spretes of helle coulde do to hym non evyll
Tyll Saynt Frances came and toke from hym hys cowle;
Then went he to helle, the fryres ded heare hym howle.
I wyll therfor serve Saynt Frances with hart and mynde,
With dayly memoryes that he maye be my frynde;
And than I care not for all the devyls in hell—
That I have tolde yow is more true than the Gospel.

Then are ye more sure than monkes for your heretage,
For their landes are here but ye clayme heaven for advauntage.

Yet is it to them a very plesaunt thynge
Their abbot at home to be called lorde and kynge.

Naye, monke and chorle, for here is no kynge but one;
If he be a kynge hys mace is a marybone
And hys crowne a cow torde. Soch knaves as come from the cart
Must be called kynges for playenge a popysh part.

It become not the the Romysh Pope so to lurche
Consyderynge he is the hyghest of the churche.

If he be the hyghest, than is he the wether cocke.

Ah, now I perceyve thu art dysposed to mocke;
Of all holy churche he is the pryncypall heade.

Marry, that is true; he sendeth out bulles undre lead
And he hath two keyes, the one to open hell,
The other speareth heaven —thus do newe heretykes tel.
They report also that dogges have no devocyon
To hys holy lawes, nor to hys olde instruccyon.

Why shuld dogges hate hym? Make that more evydent.

They love no pese porrege, nor yet reade hearynges in Lent,
Stock fysh nor oysters, but curse hym body and bone,
And wolde hys reade sprottes and rotten fysh were gone.
Tush, I heare them, I, and that maketh me full sad.

Eyther thu doest mock, or els thu art sure mad.


I heare the people complayne very moch of the.

What is their pratlinge? I praye the hartely, tell me.

They saye thus teachest nothyng but lowsy tradycions.
And lyes for lucre, with damnable superstycyons.
And thus they conclude that the draffe of popysh prystes
Is good ynough for swyne, by whom they meane the papystes.
Yea, and they saye also, the dyet of men is all
To most vyle carren, the dogges wyll sonest fall.

Than do they compare the papystes unto dogges.

Marry, that they do, and to soch swynysh hogges
As in swyll and sosse are brought up all their lyfe.
Soch are the papystes they saye both man and wyfe.
They saye of the also that thu art a noughty knave;
By prowlynge and lyenge ye fryers wolde all have.
Thyne order they saye is spronge even out of hell,
And all thys knowledge they have now of the Gospell.

Why, where is he now? I besych the hartely tell.

By the messe, abroade, and I warande ye maketh revell.
I commoned with hym, and he ded us despyse;
Agaynst hym therfor sumwhat must we devyse.

Marry that must we, or els it wyll be wronge;
He wyll sure destroye us if we do suffer hym longe.
Nedes must we serve hym as we ones served Christ.

Why, mad brayned whoresons, how ded ye handle Christ?

As he preached here, we followed from place to place
To trappe hym in snare, and hys doctryne to deface.
Than founde we the meanes to put hym so to death
Least he agaynst us shuld open any more breath;
And we set foure knyghtes to kepe hym downe in hys grave
That he never more our lyvynge shuld deprave.
And thus must we serve the Gospell, no remedye,
Els wyll he destroye our lyvynge perpetuallye.
Better one were lost than we shuld perysh all,
As Cayphas ones sayd in counsell pharysaycall.

By God, and wele sayd! Whan ye have hym in hys grave
Stampe hym downe tyll he shyte, and serve hym lyke a knave.

We must so ordre hym that he go nomore at large.

Foure knyghtes wyll we hyre whom we shall streyghtly charge
To kepe hym downe harde. The first are ambycyouse prelates,
Then covetouse lawers that Gods worde spyghtfully hates,
Lordes without lernynge, and justyces unryghtfull:
These wyll kepe hym downe, and rappe hym on the scull.
Ther someners and ther scribes I warande ye shal stere


With balyves and catchpolles to holde hym downe every where.
I trowe Rugge and Corbet at Norwych wyll do their part,
With Wharton of Bongaye, and for my sake put hym to smart.

And I wyll rayse up in the unyversytees
The seven slepers there to advaunce the Popes decrees:
As Dorbel and Duns, Durande and Thomas of Aquyne,
The mastre of sentens, with Bachon the great devyne,
Henricus de Gandavo and these shall read ad clerum,
Aristotle and Albert, de secretis mulierum,
With the commentaryes of Avicen and Averoyes,
And a Phebo Phebe whych is very good for boyes.

Yea, and lete the Pope, as Gods owne vycar here,
In hys hande thre crosses and thre crownes on hys head bere,
Hys power betokenynge in heaven, in earth, and in hell,
That he maye commaunde all kynges to subdue the Gospell.

Hysselfe maye do that, he nede commaunde non other.
Is not he the head of the holy church, our mother?
Maye not he make sayntes and devyls at hys owne pleasure,
Whych hath in hys handes the keyes and churches treasure,
So wele as he made Saynt Herman first a saynt,
And twenty years after of heresye hym attaynt?
First he sent hym to heaven by hys canonyzacyon,
And from thens to helle by an excommunycacyon.
We reade of Formosus that after he was dead
One Pope hys fyngars, an other cut of hys head,
And threwe hys carkas into the floude of Tyber,
With the head and fyngars, as Platina doth remember.
In token that he is judge over quyck and dead,
And maye dampne and save by hys pardons undre lead,
Sylvester the Seconde to the devyll hymself ones gave
For that hygh offyce that he myght dampne and save.
He offered also hys stones to Sathan they saye
For prestes chastyte, and so went their marryage awaye.

[Enter Evangelium.]
Here is one commynge, enquyre what he intende.

Ha, it is the Gospell! From hym God us defende!

Exit secreto.
Shewe me, brother myne, who ded the hyther sende.

The Father of Heaven of hys mere benyvolence.
I desyre therfor to have fre audyence.

Ye mynde than to preache afore thys cumpanye?

In the lawes of God wolde I instruct them gladlye;


For non other waye there is unto salvacyon,
But the worde of God in every generacyon,
That quyckeneth, that saveth, that bryngeth unto heaven,
As before hys death Christ taught the Apostle aleven.

Preache here thu shalt not without the auctoryte
Of pope or byshopp, or of some of their affynyte.

Gods worde never taketh hys autoryte of man.

Thu shalt not here preache, do thu the best thu can.

Gods blessynge on your good hart, it is spoken even like a man.
Ye knowe thys daye, ser, we have a full holy feast,
And must go processyon with the blessed Rode of Reast.
We have longe mattens, longe laudes, longe houres, longe pryme;
Masse, evensonge, complyne and all must be done in tyme;
Sensynge of the aulters, and castynge of holy water,
Holy breade makynge with other necessary matter.

Have God commaunded any soch thynges to be done?

What is that to the? Go meddle thu with olde shone.
Cannyst thu saye but they are good sygnyfycacyons?

I saye they are frutes of your ymagynacyons
To brynge in lucre and darken Gods hygh glorye.
Of yow God doth axe no soch vayne beggerye;
Christ never sent hys to shewe sygnyfycacyons,
But hys lyvynge worde to all the christen nacyons.
Ye forsake the Lorde, as Esaias doth tell,
And hyghly blaspheme the holie of Israel.
In hys first chaptre thys horryble sentence is:
Quis haec frustranea quaesivit de manibus vestris;
Who hath requyred of yow soch sacryfyce?
In vayne offer yow that uncommaunded servyce.
Your incense to me is great abhomynacyon;
I sore abhorre it and moch detest your fashyon.
Whan ye praye to me I geve ye non attendaunce,
But avert my face, sayth God, and my countenaunce.
By thys ye maye se that the Lorde doth not regarde
Your mangy mutterynge, neyther graunt it any rewarde.
No man wylleth Paule to speake in the congregacyon
In a straunge language without interpretacyon.
In your Latyne houres the flocke do ye not consydre
But declare your selves to be Romysh all togydre.
‘Be not led about,’ sayth Paule, ‘by any straunge lernynge.’
What els is your doctryne but a blynde popysh thynge?


He testyfyeth also, Non enim ut baptizarem
Misit me Christus, sed ut evangelizarem—
‘Christ hath not me sent that I shuld baptyse,’ sayth Paule,
‘But to preach hys worde to the confort of mannys sowle.’
Loo, though baptyme be a thynge very necessarye,
Yet must it geve place to Gods worde, no remedye.
Why than preferre ye your draffysh ceremonyes
To the Gospell preachynge? O dampnable injuryes!

Why suffer ye hym to pratle here so longe?

Get the hens shortly, or with the it wyll be wronge.

Intrat [Infidelitas.]
Peace be here, and God, mastre doctour, by your leave,
That I maye declare a pardone here in my sleve,
Of Our Lady of Boston, Ingham, and Saynt Johannes frarye,
With the indulgence of blessyd Saynt Antonye.

Wele take thy pleasure, and do it hardelye.

Syr, he doth me wro[n]ge for thys daye it is my stacyon
To preache my brotherhede and gather my lymytacyon.

Who first speake first spede; steppe fourth and reade thy pardon,
And whan he hath done, your course is father warden.

What course appoynt ye for preachyng of the Gospel?

I wolde thy Gospell and thu were both now in hell.

Why, and shall thys baggage put by the word of God?

Thu wylt not be answered tyll thu fele a sharper rod.

Good christen people, I am come hyther verelye
As a true p[r]octour of the howse of Saynt Antonye.
Of cleane remyssyon I have brought ye indulgence,
A pena et culpa —for all your synne and offence.
By the auctoryte of Pope Leo and Pope Clement,
Pope Bonyface, Pope Pius, Pope Johan, and Pope Innocent.
And here I blesse ye with a wynge of the Holy Ghost,
From thonder to save ye, and from spretes in every coost.
Lo, here is a belle to hange upon your hogge,
And save your cattell from the bytynge of a dogge.
So many as wyll come to thys holy fraternyte,
Come paye your moneye, and ye shall have letters of me.

Lete me have a letter, for I wyll be a brother.

Then geve me a belle, for I wyll be an other.

O dampnable leadynge of Babylonicall Sodomytes!
Your selves ye declare to be shamefull hypocrytes.
Lorde, pytie thy people, and take awaye these gydes,
These scorners, these robbers, these cruell homycydes.


Soch prophetes are they as God ded never sende;
As Hieremy sayth, they dampnable wayes pretende.
Wo, hypocrytes, wo! For here ye tryfle and mocke
With christen people, and the kyngedom of heaven uplocke.
Ye count it a game to lose that Christ hath bought
With hys precyouse bloud, and here most derely sought.
O ye are wretches and pestylent Antichristes,
Mynysters of Dagon, and most deceytfull papystes.
Lyke ravenouse wolves, poore wydowes ye devoure;
By tyttle of prayer eternall dampnacyon is youre.
Your owne dreames ye folowe, but matter moch more wayghtye
Ye do not esteme, as judgement, faythe, and mercye.
Wo, Pharysees, wo! Ye make cleane outwardlye,
But inwardes ye are full of covetousnesse and baudrye.
Paynted tumbes are ye, [aperynge] ryght bewtyfull;
But within ye stynke, and have thoughtes very shamefull.
Ye slewe the prophetes, your doynges yet beare wytnesse:
How thynke ye to avoyde that poynt of unryghteousnesse?
Oh ragynge serpentes, and vyperouse generacyon,
How can ye escape the daunger of dampnacyon?

Who made the so bolde to medle within my cure,
And teache newe lernynge? An heretyke art thu sure.
If due serch were made, we shuld fynde the, I thynke, no pryst.

Yes, anoynted of God, but no popysh Antichrist.

Lete me se, where are the letters of thy orders?

Where Christ hys self is, and not in these same borders.
No soch pryst am I as is anoynted with oyle,
But the Holy Gost, for I am non of thys soyle.

Here I attache the for a busye scysmatyke,
And wyll the accuse for an haynouse heretyke.
Laye handes upon hym, and depryve hym of thys aparell.
Hic veste spoliatum sordidioribus induunt.
Loo, thus wyll I handle all them that shall take thy quarell.
Holde, awaye with thys gere, and laye it fourth asyde!

Naye, tarry brother myne, for away shalt thu not slyde.

I am not goynge; why doest thu slaunder me?

Burne hym to ashes, and shewe to hym no pytie.

Brent shall he not be if he wyll nomore do so.
Fellawe, how sayst thu? Wylt thu here abjure or no?

I wyll neyther abjure, nor yet recant Gods glorye.


I offered the reason, and therto thu wylt not applye.
Wele, get the forewarde, for thu shalt sure dye.
The temporall power shall judge the to the fyre
At our accusement and holy relygyouse desyre.

Though yow for my sake impryson men cruellye,
Famysh them, stocke them, and them with fagotes frye,
Hurt me ye shall not, for I can never dye,
And they for my sake shall lyve perpetuallye.

Here is a pratynge! With a very vengeaunce, hens!

Thys horryble heretyke now shall we well recompens.

Exeunt cum eo.
Yea, burne hym wele, fryre, and lete hym no longer raygne.
Laye on grene fagotes to put hym to the more payne.
By the messe, I laugh to se how thys gere doth wurke.
He is lyke of them to have nomore grace than a Turke,
For soch knaves they are as a man shall not lyghtly fynde,
And rake hell over —companyons they are to my mynde.
My busynesse all is now at a good conclusyon,
That I have here brought these thre lawes to confusyon;
Now shall I be able to lyve here peaceablye,
And make frowlyke chere, with ‘hey how, fryska jolye!’
The Lawe of Nature I kest first in a leprye
By the secrete helpe of Ydolatrye and Sodomye.
The Lawe of Moses I made a crypple blynde,
Avaryce and Ambycyon to helpe me were not behynde.
And now Christes Lawe I have brent for heresye
By helpe of False Doctryne and my cosyne Hypocresye.
On these same thre lawes all other lawes depende
And can not prevayle nowe these are at an ende.
If christen governers do not these lawes upholde
Their cyvyle ordynaunces wyll sone be very colde.
Well, thys valeaunt George hath made them all to stoupe;
Cheare now maye I make, and set cocke on the houpe.
Fyll in all the pottes, and byd me welcome, hostesse,
And go call me hyther myne owne swete mynyon Besse!

Finit Actus quartus.