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[Enter Baleus Prolocutor.]
Baleus Prolocutor
The kyngdome of Christ wyll now begynne to sprynge,
Which is the preachynge of hys newe testament.
Now shall Messias, which is our heavenly kynge,
Apere to the worlde in manhode evydent;
Whose wholsom commynge Johan Baptyst wyll prevent,
Preachynge repentaunce, hys hygh waye to prepare,
Whych we entende before yow to declare.
The Lawe and Prophetes draweth now fast to an ende,
Which were but shaddowes and fygures of hys commynge.
Now shall he approche, that all grace wyll extende
Of cleane remyssyon; our caucyon will he brynge
To pacyfye God, hys father everlastynge.
By sheadynge hys bloude all thynges shall he renewe,
Makynge one people of the Pagane and the Jewe.
For so much as we are geven to noveltees
Of very nature, lete us our selves applye
To accepte these newes and heavenlye verytees,
Which are for our synne most soverayne remedye,
And for our sowles helthe so hyghlye necessarye,
That without knowledge of them, we can not have
A true fayth in him which dyed our sowles to save.


Whan Man had synned, the harde preceptes of the lawe
Moses proclamed, the Prophetes gave monycyons.
But non of them all to the heavenly kyngedome drawe,
Tyll Johan Baptyst come with clerar exposycyons.
The publycanes then leave their yll dysposycyons
Unto Christ to come and hys most holy Gospell.
Where the frowarde sectes contynuallye rebell,
Ye shall se Christ here submyt hymselfe to Baptym
Of Johan hys servaunt, in most meke humble wyse,
In poornesse of sprete that we shuld folowe hym,
Whose lowlye doctryne the hypocrytes despyse.
Folowe hym therfor, and shurne their devylysh practyse.
Be gentyll in hart, and beare your good intent
Towards hys Gospell and godlye testament.
