University of Virginia Library

The Historicall and Morall Plot of the Tragedy.

Exil'd Orestes is return'd, though late,
His Royall Fathers blood to expiate:
That Blood from which War and the bold sword shrunk
Yet was by Treason, and the cold Ax drunk.
Safe is he entred, but yet unrevea'ld,
By Night and darker policy conceal'd.
Electra here a Generous Defyer,
In vain to comfort woo'd by the kind Quire,
Chides Chrysotheame a white-liver'd Complyer:
Who was with Offering by her Mother sent
To bribe the dead, and Scape the punishment.
She intercepts the gifts, the Oyles she spills,
And with a smoaking Curse her Censer fills.
The Cannon's turn, and this revolting prayer,
Went forth a Treasure, but returns a snare.
But Clytemnestra pleads the fact was Just,
The Bill was Murder, where the Judge was Lust.
Yet though th'out-faced Noon she down may beat,
The Dark brings Vision, and the Silence threat,
Lash'd by pale dreams, the Hobs of night, she runs
To flattering Humiliations.

Thinking those angry Beadles to disarm,
With strumpet Incense and Religious charm.
But hypocriticall Devotions dresse,
A Pageant safety, and a Mock of peace:
For scarce her prayers are cool'd and downward bending
When their return is at the door attending.
A Post in neat Romance Orestes slayes,
Secures the field, and so the field betrayes.
Now sad Electra at the dismall news
Dissolves, end scatters into pious Dews.
The Quire Companions of her grief she slights,
Nor in her Sisters joyfull words delights.
Who sees large offerings at the Sepulchre,
And thence her Brothers hand doth right inferre.
Built on much reason: but we lesse set by
Weak-grounded truth, then a bold hear-say lye
Hence raging grief into hard valour knits,
(For both are elevate beyond our wits)
Her Sister she invites to mutuall Aid,
With hands combin'd the Traytor to invade,
And is repuls'd, yet she resolves alone
To execute her resolution.
Those who Compound led captive by tame Ease,
Seldome on dangerous Honour dare to Seize.

Poor loyalty, how low now art thou laid
By Enemies destroy'd, by friends betray'd!
What valiant wisdome will appear at once,
To break thy foes, and heal thy Factions?
Orestes is at door; his Urn he shews,
Meets with Electra and confirms her woes.
The dear Imposture she must see and hold,
And to her Brother all her cares unfold.
In dolefull accents her sweet passions sound,
Which in a precious deluge streight are drown'd.
The happy witnesse of those pious throws.
Cannot forbear his person to disclose.
Their Joyes swell high, but at a quick surprize,
First Clytemnestra, and then Egist dy's.
Thus Loyall sorrow in high triumph ends,
While rebell Joy Eternall Black attends.