University of Virginia Library


Now expectation hath at full receiued
What we late promised, if in ought we haue pleased,
Tis all vve sought to accomplish, and much more
Then our vveake merrit dares to attribute
Vnto it selfe, till you vouchsafe to dayne
In your kinde censure, so to gratifie
Our triuiall labours:—
If it hath pleased the iudiciall eare,
Wee haue our Authors wish, and void of feare
Dare ignorant men, to shew their worst of hate.
It not detracts, but adds vnto that state
Where desert florisheth.
Weele rest applouded in their derogation,
Though with an hisse they crowne that confirmation:
For this our Author saith, ift proue distastfull,
He onely grieues you spent two houres so wast-full:
But if it like, and you affect his pen,
You may commaund it when you please agen.