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The Poor-Mans Comfort

A Tragi-Comedy

Act. IV.

Act. IV.

Enter Lucius, Gulman, Flavia, Surdo, Urania.

Perjur'd slave! hast a wife? could'st think lechery would
have a better end? out of my doors seducing Varlet.


Hear me but speak.


Out upon thee penurious Rascall! my flesh shakes to be at
thee, thou hast made little better then a whore of my daughter.


And a baud of your Ladyship.


Wer't not for modesties sake I would have my peny worths
out of thy flesh.

The hangman will rid us of that care; beggerly slave!
Why dost not laugh at him Castadora?

I could shed tears for thee poor Lucius.

Though many moneths thou couldst indure my grief,
One day seems long till I yeeld thee relief.


Is then all love and pity banished? In lieu then of the good
thou stand'st possest by me, grant me but one nights being in thy
house, thou see'st tis late, and I unfurnished of means and credit.


Would one night save thy life, restore thy name and thy
degraded honour, I would not grant it, for know I hate thee more;
then all thy wealth inforc'd me love before.

You are no whore?

So let's in if longer you stay here,
I will provide you of a Harbinger.


You shall have a lodging at the cost of the Parish if you
stay a little longer.


Baud, blood-sucker Canniball.


Afflicted man! I that for comfort sought thy company,
could now afford some pity unto thee.


Ill destined Lucius, but in vain's complaint, then tell me Surdo,
what cure canst thou apply unto my miseries?


Such as the world gives to men in distresse. As I am a Courtier
I must leave you.


How leave me?


Would you not have me follow the example of my betters?
I promised you to serve you only as you were a Lord; and so
I have done, and will till I see you at the gallowes, and thither you
shall have followers enough.


Wilt thou not help to find my wife out then?


Ile see what I can do. Oyes! did any manner of man
take up a woman child, of the age of 22. lost for want of a husband,
let them look into her mark, and if they finde her a Virgin bring
her to the Hangman.


Ingratefull groom, doest mock my misery?


Are you such an asse to think she'l be found to save you
from Hanging, that have left her swimming all this while? she has
more hope of her widowhood then so; the old saying is, Marry a
widow whose husband was hanged, and then she cannot upbraid
you with them; Ile see if I can find her and put it in practice. Farewell,
I will look to hear from you by the next new Ballad; pray
Jove it be to a good tune, and come off bravely to the life, t'will be
to your own comfort and credit of your followers, to see and hear
so many bear parts in your death.


Contemn'd and left of all! where are my parasites now?

Honours shadowes that seem to move with an obsequious right,
as if they were inseperably tyed unto our persons. When the
truth is, their motion is from the sun, which being done once,
we are left naked. Why should I blame this world then,

Since means and honour sway the greatest men?
For give me one that ere lov'd virtue poore,
Shew me an Userer charitable, or an honest whore.
I cannot Flavia with just cause condemn thee.
It is the leaden waight of time that moves thy hate,
And with a violent hand doth force thy soul
To this observing world, for well thou knowest,
Wert thou as chast and fair as the Greekish dame,
Fam'd for her twice ten winters constancie,
And hadst no foil to put thy virtues off,
Thou might'st spin out thy daies to get thee food,
Or turn base prostitute, and sell thy blood,
At every comers price.

Enter Urania.
Where might I find this most unhappy man!
Whose grief will not permit my jealous soul
To trust him with the night: Oh! did he know
How much beyond my self I prize his love;
Twould move him to afford me pity, if not love.
But see where suiting with his fortunes, on the ground
He has cast himself, could we our fates foreknow,
He had kept the happy mean, not Iain so low.
My honour'd Lord why with so hard an eye,
Do you behold your friends?

Thou doest forget thy self, I am poor, and poverty,
When none else will do't, makes all men fly.

You much mistake me Sir, I am Castadora
One that did never fawn on your prosperity;
Yet cannot choose but love you, whose sympathy
Speaks mine own woes: pray Sir accept this.

Gives him gold.
O! tell me true,
Did not Flavias hand commit this charge to thee?

Can you yet think she loves you Sir, whose hate
Has reacht a height so far above her sex?
Or is your weaknesse such to love her still?

My constancy is such I ever shall.

Alas! tis not her hate but fear to suffer in my disgrace, tis her
want that moves her thus to my injury.

These are the effects
Of lust whose seat is in the bloud and sway'd by that
As by the nourishing food, whereas love
Having her residence only in the soul;
And setling her affections once is not more mov'd by
Any outward accident then are our thoughts by
Captiving our bodies.

Thou speakest beyond a woman.

You have a wife Sir, or it seems you had one,
Though by your much ingratitude undone.
Compare these two, the strumpet and your wife,
One seeks your death, the other gives you life.

Thy words do trouble me, I am not well.

Alas! how can you Sir, you are in hell?
Tyed to the flames of an inchanting Harlot.
Pardon me Sir, if beyond modesty,
I presse a strangers ear, in whom I see
My own sad fate, answer me one demand.

Freely speak what ere it be.

What one particular
Most moves your love unto this creature?

Her beauty which alone I would injoy.

But never did.
What pleasure has the Userer in seeing
Anothers gold he cannot hord? or what
Particular happinesse gives that which every day,
Man for a Pistollet may make purchase on.
O! think that willingly you would not wear
The garments of another; nor lay your body
In the common bed of a suspected Harlot.
Think how much more you should abhor to mix
Your blood with an adulterate curtezan;
Wash in a leprous bath; a strumpets womb;
And she your love is such another.


How if I make it apparent?

I should die willingly, and think my tortures
Too gentle for so foule a change.

Attend me then,
On the ground.
Here are three duckets all the store is left me.
What will you say, if for this gold you obtain,

To lie with her this night.

As I am Lucius, whom she so contemns.

The same; Imbrace her lustfull wast, receive
As much content as ever, yet in the morn,
She shall reject your sight with loathed scorn.

Make me so happy in my misery;
My soul shall blesse thee.

And if I do not may I lose my hopes;
Come saddest soul, your doubts Ile not prolong,
Thus honest wives avenge their husbands wrong.

Enter Alexis, Adellezia, A Table.
How like you fair this solitary life?

As shipwrackt men the shore, or prisoners liberty.
I never thought a good in life to be,
Untill I found it here.

This your content doth bring into my minde
Those dayes that Cavus lived upon his plain,
Unhappy Courtier, yet a happy swain.
Me thinks I now do hear his well-tun'd pipe
That drew the covetous ear of listning shepheards
To hear him chant his passed misery.
But I forget my self and stay too long,
Our supper's yet to kill, and night drawes on.

You need not make such hast, our store's not spent;
Here's enough left: small viands serve content.

But time cals forth, and promise liberall prey.
I must begone, and if my horn you hear,
Think I have sped. I promise thee rich cheer.

Take your own way, why now I thank thee fate,
Thou hast made a double mends for my lost state.
In stead of honours and a marriage bed,
To chast thoughts and content my soul is wed.
Vain world I hate the stead of thy flattery;
Heaven is my Book, virtue my company.

Enter Oswell.
Where should I seek out death, or find some means
To stop the gaping jawes of famine, I could on equall
Termes incounter with a Tigre, whose rage hath
Suck't her dry. Ingratefull hunger that feeds upon
His bowels, whose want denies him sustenance.

Thou wound'st me more then all mine enemies. But
See some Angel, yet her face speaks her woman. Meal!
Should Devils guard it, thus would I reach and eat.


Amazement to my soul, how greedily he feeds, twas want
sure forc'd him hither, if so I am glad our poverty supplies him:
Oh! did he know who with a licorish palat feeds to surfet, how
many empty souls would be made happy in what he vomits; or felt
one dayes torture of piercing hunger, with what temperate hand
he would injoy these natures, medicines! food is no other.


So I feel my self in reasonable temper now. But I forget
my happinesse, here's a better course. Pardon me beauty, that I
scaped so fair a mark as your lips, but now Ile make amends.


What mean you Sir?


Nay I know you will plead chastity, tis the common fault
of your sex, you have been some under vessell, waiting woman, and
faln into the Butlers hands, had an untimely broaching, and now
are laid aside here for ripening.

What do you take me for?

A woman made for the use of man.

I am a haplesse woman,
Wrackt at Sea, and cast upon this shoar.


Did not I tell you, ye had a leak; Come, come, leave circumstance,
thou seest I am mortall, and thou art flesh and bloud,
born to fall, and therefore let's down together; nay, nay, do not resist.


Not resist? know brutish creature, I am too well provided
to lose mine honour, so long as this frail flesh which we call life
can ransome it. Villain keep off! chast Lucrece shall be my president.


So I would have her, lie with Tarquin first, and then kill thy
self after if thou hast a minde to't. Lucretia she was the first cunning
whore that ever made a fool of a Cuckold, when she saw the morning,
her night villany was discovered, to prevent the fire fell upon
the sword; but since you'l needs be stabbed, Ile help you.

Takes her knife.
Prevented! if there be a power that helps
Distrest chastity, rescue a spotlesse maid.


She should be a maide, she's so unwilling to her businesse.
But since you force me to enter into bonds with you, Ile make you
seal to the Articles of agreement, ere I have done with you.

Help, help, if I have deserv'd thine anger Heaven,
Oh let it fall at once! Let one death expiate.


She should be a sinner, death's so often in her mouth. What's

here? Epistles? To the high & mighty Prince Ferdinand. From whence?
Yours Valerio of Sicily. We have sent you here our
daughter—Fortune, thou hast return'd amends for all
my wrongs. Revenge, I wonot keep thee fasting one minute

Horn within.

Heaven thou art just; now Monster doe thy worst,


Beyond Hels torture; What Villaine blows that Horn?


A vertuous Woodman, who with his followers.


His followers? Nay then I am trapt, the bellowing Oxe
that with his grones did fright the Earth carryed not half that torture
in't, I shall dissolve through fear.


The basenesse of thy guilt, unworthy wretch! Yet know
how worthy merit stands; I pity thee, Distract thy self no further,
by my chast bloud, I'le set thee free, so henceforth to this
Wood thou wilt become a stranger.

Hell swallow me else.

I'le take your oath, unbind me first, then fall
To your meat, with as good stomach as before.

Enter Alexis, Leonardo, Sileus.
Recall your spirits, grief-afflicted men.
Time may restore those honours he hath borrowed.

'Tis but to try how you will bear it; nor shall I think it my least
happinesse to have been Author of your change.

Your vertuous arguments have overcome us.

Now Lady I have brought you: Ha, what stranger's that?

A miserable almost famisht man,
He hardly could speak well when he came in,
His body was so weak, his mind so ill.


Shee'l spoyl all; I was a poor souldier in these wars, and
have been in some reputation with our King. I have been troublesome
to this Gentlewoman: I would fain bee unmmanerly,
having filled my belly, be out of this Forrest.

His guilt admits no trust, pray give him free conduct,
I'le force your stay, since we have met thus happily.

We will not part till supper, no place I see
But gives us means to practice charitie.
What wants in fare, your welcome shall supply,
Make good my promise Lady.

With a willing heart.
If you knew all, you'd say I had reason for't.


Hell choke you with your Supper. But may these two be,
Sileus and Leonardo, that helpt to disthrone me?
What new turn of State has forc'd them hither?

I'le question him, it may be he can resolve us, if Oswell lives;
Me thought I heard thee name thy dependence on the banisht King.


I did hang on him as others did, as long as he had nap, you
ha my meaning; came you not from Court?


Against our wils; for know, we are banisht thence by unmindful
Ferdinand, who for one bad, has quite forgot the many
goods he still enjoys by us.

I know't too well; Hell take you for't.

Leaving our merits; Let it suffice
He turn'd us down, that by our aid did did rise.
Can you resolve Sir, if Oswell live?

And if I could, think'st I would betray him! I'de suffer first.


Protest no further, there's none here means him lesse good
then your self.


This fals out to my wish; a word with you Gentleman:
suppose Oswell lived, and by your aid might repossesse his Diadem,
would you prove honest?


As Heaven to virtue!


Then know I am the man, and to regain my Crown
want only but your assistance.


Command us as your Vassals.


As our friends, and those that shall have equall shares with
us. First then know this woman is Valerius his daughter.


The woman of this cave.


The same, sent hither to be matcht with Sigismond, and shipwrackt
in her passage, fell upon this shore.


A most strange accident.


'Tis her disgrace or death must raise our hopes.


How is this to be made possible?


Thus; my self not taking notice of her birth, will charge her
to the State for companying in lustful action with this woodman,
which seconded by you, will seem so clear, that being returned
with shame, or here with death paying her forfeiture, her father
that overwhelm'd our state in just revenge bears us up agen.


A most unheard of Villany.


Doe you demur upon't?


We only want disguise, that and 'tis done.


Here's gold to furnish you, this night I'le raise the neighbouring
Village to apprehend 'um, make you hence and fail not
to morrow to meet me in the Senate.

Our lives be gag'd, if we one minute misse,
Be this the last day of our happinesse.

Your wishes be your own. Thou Queen of Fate,
Forbear thy restlesse motion but one hour,
Revenge is mine, Oswel's above thy power.
