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Spoken by Alupis.
The Author bid me tell you—'faith, I have
Forgot what 'twas; and I'me a very slave
If I know what to say; but only this,
Bee merry, that my counsell alwayes is.
Let no grave man knit up his brow, and say,
'Tis foolish: why? 'twas a Boy made the Play.
Nor any yet of those that sit behind,
Because he goes in Plush, be of his mind.
Let none his Time, or his spent money grieve,
Bee merry; Give me your hands, and I'le believe.
Or if you will not, J'le goe in, and see,
If J can turne the Authors mind, with mee
To sing away the day,
For 'tis but a folly
To bee melancholy,
Since that can't mend the Play.