University of Virginia Library

To the Honour'd Author of the Royall Master.

Deare Friend I joy my love hath found the meanes
To waite upon, and vindicate thy scenes
From some few scruples of the weaker sex,
Whose nicer thoughts their female minds perplex.

(For man he sinkes if he but censure, none
Dare deprave Kings Inauguration)
Say they, what makes the King in his dispose
So Icy-temperd, as he frankly throwes
Freedome on all except himselfe? contrives
The way for other men to purchase wives?
Takes joy to forward propagation,
By Nuptiall knot, yet to himselfe ties none?
Prettie poore fooles, and Virgins! how you'r kind
(Vulgarlike) are in apprehension blind;
Come reade, you'le see when you this peece peruse
The Royall Masters Spouse is Shirlies Muse;
Why then to him, and her, an altar raise,
Tapers are set, flaming with equall praise
See, see, his Genius gracefully doth bend
To the just vote of every loving friend;
The elevated Circle is upheld
Betwixt the binall Cherubs palmes, beheld
By all judicious eyes; the heart, the voice
Of all ingenious doe applaud the choice
Of your great Royall Master, say, they'ue found
Two Monarkes with one glorious Laurell crownd.
W. Smith.