University of Virginia Library

To his worthy friend, Master John Ford, vpon his Perkin Warbeck.

Let men, who are writt Poets, lay a claime
To the Phebean Hill, I haue no name,

Nor art in Verse; True, I haue heard some tell
Of Aganippe, but ne're knew the Well:
Therefore haue no ambition with the Times,
To be in Print, for making of ill Rimes;
But loue of Thee, and Iustice to thy Penne
Hath drawne mee to this Barre, with other men
To justifie, though against double Lawes,
(Waving the subtill bus'nesse of his cause)
The Gloriovs Perkin, and thy Poet's Art
Equall with His, in playing the Kings Part.
Ra: E'ure Baronis Primogen: