University of Virginia Library

Vpon Mr. Massinger His Roman Actor.

To write, is growne so common in our Time
That euery one, who can but frame a Rime
Howeuer monstrous, giues Himselfe that praise
Which onely Hee should claime, that may weare Bayes
By their Applause whose judgements apprehend
The weight, and truth, of what they dare commend.
In this besotted Age (friend) 'tis thy glory
That Heere thou hast out-done the Roman story.
Domitians pride; His wiues lust vnabated
In death; with Paris, meerly were related
Without a Soule, Vntill thy abler Pen
Spoke them, and made them speake, nay Act agen
In such a height, that Heere to know their Deeds
Hee may become an Actor that but Reades.
John Foorde.