University of Virginia Library




Tune—“Sally in our alley.”


Of all the slovens in our town
Jack Smithins was the greatest,
His back went up, his head went down,
His legs were not the straightest.
The boys they called him Shambling Jack,
Old women cried, “O drat him!
He like a cat sticks up his back,
And not a girl smiles at him.”


But when he join'd our rifle corps,
Though exercise half kill'd him,
Oh! he was Shambling Jack no more,
So well we dress'd and drill'd him.
“Head up, toes out!” the sergeant cried,
And Jack did as he bade him;
And now he walks the streets with pride,
So smart a man drill made him.



With shoulders straight and head erect,
You now would hardly know him;
The prettiest girl he may seiect,
Such glances they all throw him.
He of a lovely wife is sure,
Good fortune will befall him,
For since he join'd the rifle corps,
“Our Handsome Jack” girls call him.
T. M.