University of Virginia Library




Mother, see, 'mid emerald-shadowed larches,
Rides a glorious warrior—lordlier none;
Surely towards some mighty field he marches
And he bears him like a monarch's son.
“Proudly steps his stately war-horse, larger
Than its race—a gracious, gallant sight;
Give me, mother, such another charger,
I would with him to the noble fight.”
Spake an ancient lady from her needle,
“This thou hast in blood and of thy sire,
As in eyrie nest the callow eagle
Eyes the flocks in hungry, fierce desire.”


Spake the mother, “Child, thou askest blindly,
Years make ripe too soon thy golden grain,—
Ere thou know'st it man, to long as wildly
For thy childhood's tender nest again.”
“Good and evil in the fatal measure;
Fiery world-breath and the searching care.
Dost thou long, my rosy-dimpled treasure,
To be dealing blows of turmoil there?”
“Nay, dream out thy childish years' due number;
Hoard the memories of youth's golden shore:
Yet a little innocence and slumber,
And a mother's arms thy home no more!”