University of Virginia Library


Additional lines and fragments of verse extracted from the notes

[Sir Launcelot and Queen Guinevere]

[lines not used in the final version]

Life of the Life within my Blood,
Light of the Light within mine Eyes,
The May begins to breathe and bud,
And softly blow the balmy skies:
Bathe with me in the fiery Flood,
And mingle Kisses, Tears, and Sighs—


Life of the Life within my Blood,
Light of the Light within mine Eyes!”


[Ode on the Death of the Duke of Wellington]

[Lines not used in the final version]

Perchance our greatness will increase;
Perchance a darkening future yields
Some reverse from worse to worse,
The blood of men in quiet fields,
And sprinkled on the sheaves of peace.