University of Virginia Library



God's mercy is the clearest when my sky
Looks darkest, ere He asks repentance
He hath forgiven and Love is passing by;
Before I call He answers to my cry,
Petwixt the judgement and the sentence.
I feel the fetters are His holding hands,
And suffering but my long-desired demands.
My narrow chamber broadens out when He
Betrays His presence with more burdens,
And in their crushing weight I am most free;
Until pain's blindness fell, I could not see
That all my griefs were His best guerdons.
But now I know that, at my slightest ache,
He sorrows and my troubles on Him break.
He is my nurse and doctor; of His cup
I daily drink; though bitternesses harden,
Sweet is each draught, each cross that riseth up;
And soon with Him I shall for ever sup;
To find the end is but a fuller pardon.
I do not beg the shadows yet should flee,
But just to be assured God is with me.