University of Virginia Library



The Lion of the sacred hill
And he that awed Nemæa's wood
Could never slake, though prowling still,
Their still increasing thirst of blood:
The nations thus by thee accurst
Insatiate found ambition's thirst!
But Ammon's Son those pests appeased,
Though singly to the task he rush'd;
This in his iron grasp he seized,
And That the Muse's olive crush'd:
Who, singly, in thy fortune's wane,
Could lay a hand upon thy mane?
The terror of Etolian plains,
Whose tusk Diana's wrath impell'd,
Not by the herd of trembling swains
But by a kingly host was quell'd:
Thee, in a chase of dire renown,
A field of princes hunted down.
O noble was the sight and sound
When, flashing in the golden sun,
The Grecian lances sung around
Their game in rocky Calydon!
Thy hunting-day had sterner charms
When tens of thousands shone in arms!
Crete's horned plague the captor bore
To' amaze his argive despot's court;
Then, wild in Marathon, once more
'Twas dragged, to furnish Athens sport.
Thou too hast been in thy despair
A show for idle wonder's stare.
That thou wert cruel was thy crime;
That thou art captive is thy fate;
But tyrants in their adverse time
Should more of pity raise than hate;
And noblest natures least of all
Insult the mighty in their fall.
Once he burst forth—-oh, who forgets
That fierce stupendous spring he took,
When plunging through his hunters' nets
Again the slumbering thrones he shook?
Earth scarce is breathing from the shock;
And dare they now thy name to mock!
A Lion to a woman's prayer
His fangs was tempted to resign:
Vainglory, like that treacherous Fair,
Seduced thee to surrender thine;
And thou art now for ever bow'd;
The toils must be the Lion's shroud.