University of Virginia Library


“Thou wilt shew me the path of life. In Thy presence is fulness of joy.”— Psalm xvi, 2.



What art thou, Life? The Saint and Sage
Have left it written on this page,
That thou art nothing—dust, a breath,
A glittering bubble burst by death,
A ray upon a rushing stream,
A thought, a vanity, a dream.


Yet, thou art given for mighty things,
To plume the infant Angels' wings,
To bid our waywardness of heart,
Like Mary, choose “the better part;”
To watch, and weep our guilt away,
To-day, “while yet 'tis called to-day.”
If sorrows come, Eternal God!
By Thee the path of thorns was trod;
If death be nigh, shall man repine,
To bear the pangs that once were Thine,
To bleed, where once Thy heart was riven,
And follow from the Cross to Heaven?