University of Virginia Library



Under my window, under my window,
All in the Midsummer weather,
Three little girls, with fluttering curls,
Flit to and fro, together;
There's Bell, with her bonnet of satin sheen,
And Maud, with her mantle of silver green,
And Jeanne, with the scarlet feather.
Under my window, under my window,
Leaning stealthily over;
Merry and clear, the voice I hear
Of each glad-hearted rover.
Ah! sly little Jeanne, she steals my roses,
And Maud and Bell twine wreaths and posies,
As busy as bees in clover.


Under my window, under my window,
In the blue Midsummer weather,
Stealing slow, on a hush'd tiptoe,
I catch them all together.
Bell, with her bonnet of satin sheen,
And Maud, with her mantle of silver-green,
And Jeanne, with the scarlet feather.
Under my window, under my window,
And off, through the orchard closes,
While Maud, she flouts, and Bell, she pouts,
They scamper, and drop their posies;
But dear little Jeanne takes naught amiss,
And leaps in my arms with a loving kiss,
And I give her all my roses.