University of Virginia Library



Among the meadows
lightly going,
With worship and joy
my heart o'erflowing,
Far from town
and toil of living,
To a holy day
my spirit giving, . . .
Thou tender flower,
I kneel beside thee
Wondering why God
so beautified thee.—
An answering thought
within me springeth,
A bloom of the mind
her vision bringeth.
Between the dim hills'
distant azure
And flowery foreground
of sparkling pleasure
I see the company
of figures sainted,
For whom the picture
of earth was painted,


Those robed seers
who made man's story
The crown of Nature,
Her cause his glory.
They walk in the city
which they have builded,
The city of God
from evil shielded:
To them for canopy
the vault of heaven,
The flowery earth
for carpet is given;
Whereon I wander
not unknowing,
With worship and joy
my heart o'erflowing.