University of Virginia Library

1. Aug. 30, 1891.

At Magna Charta Island.

A grey lawn cut by the river's brink,
And then the stream,
Dun slabs of marble, splashed with ink,
Beyond—a dream!—
A purple shield of blazing bronze
Streaked here and there with silver: a pair
Of rainbow-coloured swans.
And above the blaze of the burnished river
The burnished sky,
Bronze banners of vapour which hardly quiver
As the breeze goes by,
Girt round with a dark blue belt of cloud;
One primrose patch, which the ripples catch,
And the first of the stars' blithe crowd.
And between the water and sky one observes
A slope, tree-crowned:
Black tree-tops tracing a thousand curves,
Where gloom's profound;
And grey-green meadows from slope to stream,
With a steep black bank at the edge: how thank
The fate which allows man's brain to house
Such a spirit-soothing dream.