University of Virginia Library


Jesus is Lord of all, and He
Became a little child like me.
Our dear St. Joseph worked and won
Keep for the darling Foster-Son;


And Blessed Mary spun and sewed
And cooked and swept, and always shewed
The sweetest love, the holiest care,
For little Jesus living there.
And as the Boy, from year to year,
So good, so great of heart, so dear,
Grew on in wisdom and in grace,
He also worked in that sweet place.
Then, by-and-by, our Jesus went
From that blest home where He had spent
So many years; went to fulfil
His Father's will, which was His will.
He always did that will, and so,
When God had told Him forth to go,
He went to do whate'er it meant;
To suffer and to die content.
I have my cosy little bed:
He had not where to lay His head.
And love for me a home has made:
And He was hated and betrayed.
God loved us, and His love was such
No one but He could love so much;
And this was why, from Nazareth,
Dear Jesus went to Calvary's death.
And this was why, when death was o'er,
He lived again, to die no more.
What can we do for Him who cared
So much for us; for Him who shared


Our life, and died that we might dwell
With Him in joy? 'Tis love Him well.
And better still, and still more blest
Is—love this darling Jesus best.